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Almost on the words a bowstring twanged to the fore and a young girl stumbled across Jack Battle's feet with a scream that rings, and rings, and rings in memory like the tocsin of a horrible dream. She was wounded in the shoulder. Getting to her knees she threw her arms round Jack with such a terrified look of helpless pleading in her great eyes as would have moved stone. "Don't touch her!

After this narration another bard came forward who recited a different story: "When Arthur bowed his haughty crest, No princess veiled in azure vest Snatched him, by Merlin's powerful spell, In groves of golden bliss to dwell; But when he fell, with winged speed, His champions, on a milk-white steed, From the battle's hurricane, Bore him to Joseph's towered fane, In the fair vale of Avalon; There, with chanted orison And the long blaze of tapers clear, The stoled fathers met the bier; Through the dim aisles, in order dread Of martial woe, the chief they led, And deep entombed in holy ground, Before the altar's solemn bound."

"I shall be happy to hear of your success, Colonel," said Major Bellenden; "but take an old soldier's advice, and spare blood when battle's over, and once more let me request to enter bail for young Morton." "We will settle that when I return," said Claverhouse. "Meanwhile, be assured his life shall be safe."

'No war or battle's sound Is heard the world around, The idle spear and shield are high uphung; The trumpet speaks not to the armed throng, And Kings sit still, with awful eye, As if they surely knew their Sovereign Lord was by. Such are the thoughts which our Lord would teach us as to the present and as to the future of our missionary work.

It was on the margin of this mire then that General Potter took up his position; and just in the very hottest of the battle, a bee chanced that way in search of flowers, and lighting just under old Battle's tail, so goaded him with its sting that he sprang forward, and then halted with such a sudden motion as to vault the general over his head, and into the mire, his head and three-cornered hat only remaining above the surface.

Again the frown Of strife bends blackening; once again his ear War's furious trump with stern delight drinks in; Again tho Battle-Bolt in red career! Again the flood, the frenzy, and the din! At tottering Williamsburg his granite front Bears without shook the battle's fiercest brunt. So have we seen the crag beat back the blast, So has the shore the surges backward cast.

Crosby at Battle's, and she'll fit us out. I wish we had more time; but we haven't, so we must do the best we can." "I want Wayland to choose my hat and traveling-suit," replied Berrie. "Of course. But you've got to have a lot of other things besides." And they bent to the joyous work of making out a list of goods to be purchased as soon as they reached Chicago.

We proceeded according to old Battle's slow pace to what I shall for convenience sake call the Independent Temperance Hotel, the guests of which were so alarmed at the strange noises in the streets that they came running out to ascertain the cause.

"If Seumas Grahame himself were stretched out yonder instead of a Glenart cearnoch of no great importance to any one, Alasdair MacDonald would be scarcely zealous fool enough to spoil his battle order to prosecute a private feud. Look at that," he proceeded, turning round on a little knowe he ran lightly up on and I after him "Look at that! the battle's begun."

When they were within a mile of the city, numerous shabby-looking dignitaries, and a great concourse of half-naked people, came out to meet them, and amidst music and rejoicing accompanied them to the city, and indeed, seemed anxious to carry the priest and his ass on their shoulders, though they were inclined to make derision of old Battle's shabby appearance.