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Now the flooring of the loft where Barnabas lay was full of wide cracks and fissures, for the boards had warped by reason of many years of rain and sun; thus, lying at full length, Barnabas saw them below, Barrymaine leaning against the crumbling wall, while Mr. Chichester stooped above the open duelling-case. "What they're loaded are they?" said he. "Of c-course!"

"Hush! don't speak so loud!" "Well, I will, Chichester, s-so help me God, I will!" "Will what, Ronald?" "W-wait and see!" "You don't mean murder, Ronald?" "I didn't s-say so, d-did I?" "Of course not, my dear Barrymaine, but shall I take the pistols?" And Mr. Chichester stretched out his hand towards a flat, oblong box that Barrymaine carried clutched beneath his arm.

"Might this 'ere be the letter as you come back for, no offence, but might it?" "Yes! yes," cried Barrymaine, and, snatching it, he tore it fiercely across and across, and made a gesture as if to fling the fragments into the hearth, then thrust them into his pocket instead.

"Ronald Barrymaine!" There was a pause between the words, and the smooth, soft voice had suddenly grown so harsh, so deep and vibrant, that it seemed incredible the words could have proceeded from the lips of the motionless figure lolling in the chair with his face in the shadow and the knife glittering behind him. "I have made out to you a draft for more than enough, as I judge, to cover Mr.

"I have come," began Barnabas at last, withdrawing his eyes from the glittering steel with an effort, "I am here on behalf of one in whom I take an interest a great interest." "Yes, Mr. Beverley?" "I have undertaken to liquidate his debts." "Yes, Mr. Beverley." "To pay whatever he may owe, both principal and interest." "Indeed, Mr. Beverley! And his name?" "His name is Ronald Barrymaine."

You'd like him, for Barrymaine is a cursed fine fellow in spite of the Jews, dammem! yes, you ought to know my friend, sir." "I should be glad to," said Barnabas. "Would you though, would you indeed, sir? Nothing simpler; call a chaise! Stay though, poor Barry's not himself to-day, under a cloud, sir.

Barrymaine shivered suddenly, but his fixed stare never wavered, only, as he crouched there, striving to speak yet finding no voice, upon his furrowed brow and pallid cheek ran glittering lines of sweat. At last he contrived to speak again, but in a whisper now: "W-what do you mean?"

"But remember the chance of salvation rests only with and by yourself, after all," and he pointed to the half-emptied bottle. "Do you agree to my conditions?" "Yes, yes, by God I do!" "Then, friend, give me your hand. To-day I go to see Jasper Gaunt." So Ronald Barrymaine, standing square upon his feet, gave Barnabas his hand.

So Barnabas hurried after her and thus, as she threw open Barrymaine's door he entered with her and, in his sudden abasement, would have knelt to her, but Ronald Barrymaine had sprung up from the couch and now leaned there, staring with dazed eyes like one new wakened from sleep. "Ronald," she cried, running to him, "I came as soon as I could, but I didn't understand your letter.

"Half-brother, Bev." "And for his sake, would sacrifice her fortune, ah! and herself!" "Well?" "Well, Dick, Chichester knows this, and is laying his plans accordingly." "How?" "He's teaching Barrymaine to drink, for one thing " "He didn't need much teaching, Bev." "Then, he has got him in his power, somehow or other, anyhow, Barrymaine fears him, I know.