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But at this moment I observed Bamber frantically lugging something from his hip-pocket; something that was certainly not a knife. It was time for a change of tactics. Before the third rascal could close with me again, I darted at the open doorway, grasped the rope, and in an instant had swung myself clear of the steps down into the darkness of the cellar.

The effect of this divestiture was such as the ingenious devisers of it could have anticipated. With his pale and frighted features, it was as if some of those disfigurements in Dante had seized upon him. Old Bamber Gascoigne, and Peter Aubert, I remember, were colleagues on one occasion, when the beadle turning rather pale, a glass of brandy was ordered to prepare him for the mysteries.

The Jew, I took it, was eliminated, and the odds thus brought down to a reasonable figure. As to the other two, though they scrambled to their feet quickly enough, they kept their distance, Bamber in particular having some little difficulty with his breath. I picked up the concussor and faced them. If I had been quick, I could have dispatched them both without difficulty. But I did not.

There's Samkin and Green's managing-clerk, and Smithers and Price's chancery, and Pimkin and Thomas's out o' doors sings a capital song, he does and Jack Bamber, and ever so many more. You're come out of the country, I suppose. Would you like to join us? Mr. Pickwick could not resist so tempting an opportunity of studying human nature.

The dimly lighted doorway framed the figure of Spotty Bamber, with revolver poised, peering cautiously into the darkness. "I renewed my protests, and, retiring to the darkest corner, shuffled noisily about the brick floor. "''Ave yer got 'im, Alf? inquired the discreet Bamber, leaning forward and stepping over the sill.

That was why he got peached on Here Spotty turned his head with a jerk 'What are you looking at me through that thing for? My 'ed ain't as small as all that. "'That thing' was a Coddington lens, through which I examined the hair of every customer with a view to identification. But I did not tell Mr. Bamber this. My explanation was recondite and rather obscure, but it seemed to satisfy him.

"'Don't yer. Then I'll tell yer. I'm Spotty Bamber, of Spitalfields, that's 'oo I am. So now you know. I say! I didn't come 'ere to be scalped. I come to 'ave my 'air cut. "I apologized and led the conversation back to Polensky. "'Ah, said Bamber, ''e was a downy un, 'e was. Bit too downy. Opened his mouth too wide. Wanted it all for nix.

The conversation, mostly in Yiddish of which I professed total ignorance kept me pretty well amused until closing time arrived. Then, as the shop emptied, my hopes and fears began to revive together. "I was about to begin shutting up the premises when the door opened softly and a man slipped into the shop. My heart leaped exultingly. The man was Spotty Bamber. "And he was not alone. By no means.

R. Bamber, the London City missionary to bargemen, presented her with a tea and coffee service. Anna Gurney was a cripple from her birth. Unable to walk, and consequently debarred nearly all the pleasures of childhood, it would not have been surprising had she become a sad, peevish woman.

The circuit embraces the two chapels named, also Kirkham, Freckleton, Bamber Bridge, Longridge, Moon's Mill, Wrea Green, and Ashton; it has now about 795 members; and all of them, with the exception of 115, as figures previously given show, are in Preston.