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"That won't do," said Spurling. Producing a coil of line, he took three or four turns round Percy's waist, and lashed him fast to the bails. He did the same for himself. "Guess we'll stick on now," he remarked. "Where did you get that rope?" asked Percy. "It's all that's left of the ground-line. Thought it might come in handy, so I jammed it inside my oil-coat before I jumped.

"D n dominie regis!" said the impatient Justice "I hope it's no treason to say so; but it's enough to made one mad to be worried in this way. Have I a moment of my life quiet for warrants, orders, directions, acts, bails, bonds, and recognisances? I pronounce to you, Mr. Jobson, that I shall send you and the justiceship to the devil one of these days."

I remember how he went to the nets, before the first match of the season, with his pocket full of sovereigns, which he put on the stumps instead of bails. It was a sight to see the professionals bowling like demons for the hard cash, for whenever a stump was hit a pound was tossed to the bowler and another balanced in its stead, while one man took #3 with a ball that spreadeagled the wicket.

I'll follow him to the end of the world if necessary; but, at the rate he is going on, the stolen money will soon be exhausted." The detective was not far wrong in making this conjecture. Since leaving London, what with travelling expenses, bribes, the purchase of the elephant, bails, and fines, Mr.

Possibly there was; but it was only between the two friends, who strove their best to put him out, the one by a clean ball which sent stumps and bails flying, the other by laying his wicket low with a sharp movement when Slegge's long legs had, in his excitement carried him off his ground.

But, he added, if the "Eliza" ever turned up, he might keep everything he found on board, including twelve tins of shrimps and peaches, a bottle of hair-oil, a set of cricket bails, and a copy of Young's Night Thoughts; whereat Thomson was moved with gratitude, and said they were as nice a lot of articles as ever he came across, and he did not mind saying so.

Reflect upon the numbers who leave their homes every morning without parentage, and who might now possess any amount of relatives they desire before night. Every one knows that a respectable livelihood is made by a set of persons whose occupation it is to become bails at the different police offices, for any class of offence, and to any amount.

'And what is it that I can do for you, Mr. Tudor? said M'Ruen. 'Do for me! Why, bail me, to be sure; they won't let me out unless somebody bails me. You know I shan't run away. 'Bail you! said M'Ruen. 'Yes, bail me, said Charley. 'You don't mean to say that you have any objection? Mr. M'Ruen looked very sharply at his young client from head to foot.

Seeing which, the wicket-keeper very judiciously let it alone, and it carried off the bails just half a second before Mr. Wright grounded his bat. "How's that, umpire?" cried the wicket-keeper. "Out!" said the Staveleigh umpire, who judged at that end. Up went the ball into the air, amid great excitement of the natives.

The yawl strives persistently to shake free from the daring creatures who have so far escaped the Africa and the storm. The boy turns on the gunwale, as it were a trapeze. He opens the locker. He finds a tin pie-plate. He bails. Corkey gets in. "Lord of heavens!" he ejaculates, "that was a close call. Them wood-choppers! They was no earthly use." Two hands are yet on the gunwale.