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"Well!" she said, slowly "What about the Duchess?" Miss Leigh hesitated. "I hardly know how to put it," she answered, at last "She's a kind-hearted woman very generous and most helpful in works of charity. I never knew such energy as she shows in organising charity bails and bazaars! perfectly wonderful! but she likes to live her life " "Who would not!" murmured the girl, scarcely audibly.

It was delightful to herald again a break in the clouds, and to hear the crowd clapping hopefully as soon as ever the rain had ceased; to applaud the umpires, brave fellows, when they ventured forth at last to inspect the pitch; to realize from the sudden activity of the groundsmen that the decision was a favourable one; to see the umpires, this time in their white coats, come out again with the ball and the bails; and so to settle down once more to the business of the day.

And run we did, for the umpire forgot to call "lost ball," and we should have been running still but for the ingenuity of one of our opponents; for, whilst all were busily engaged in searching among the grass, a red-faced yokel stole up unawares, with an innocent expression on his face, raced poor "Podder" down the pitch, produced the ball from his trouser pocket, and knocked off the bails in the nick of time.

Before the end of the week the list was handed in, and as the documents might some day be of immense value to the future historian of New Swishford, I quote them here. Bowler. A waterproof, a hat-box, a pair of cricket bails, and a fold- up chair. Gayford. The chart, a compass, jam-pots for baling out boats, an eight-blade knife, a hammer and tacks, and a chessboard. Braintree. Tubbs. Crashford.

"This is just the sort of time when he might have come off." "Bob's broken his egg," said Mike. "Good man. Every little helps.... Oh, you silly ass, get back!" Berridge had called Bob for a short run that was obviously no run. Third man was returning the ball as the batsmen crossed. The next moment the wicket-keeper had the bails off. Berridge was out by a yard.

Hence, the justice bails, sets free, or delivers to his sureties, the party arrested. Also the sureties are said to bail a person when they procure his liberation. Courts other than Justices' Courts; Grand and Petit Juries, &c. The court next higher than a justice's court, is a court held in each county, generally called a county court, or court of common pleas.

The bat struck the wicket-keeper, who had just knocked off the bails. It hit him, so he said, on his bad place. "Out," ruled I. "Over," proclaimed Penny victoriously, as who should say: "There! I've got a man out for you"; and he retired honourably to the leg position, where he composed himself for a happy day-dream. The new bowler at my end began by bowling swift.

Gradually, however, their conversation lagged. You cannot feel much interest in astronomy when your eyes feel as if they were being pressed down by leaden weights and your stomach is absolutely empty. Percy's body drooped over the bails.

Gordon loved to sit in the pavilion balcony watching the white forms change across between the overs, the red ball bounce along the grass, the wicket-keeper whip off the bails, the umpire's finger go up. The whole tableau was so unreal, so idealistic. Then the school would come down after lunch with rugs and cushions, and would clamour outside the tuck-shop for ices and ginger beer.

This feeling induced hesitation when the next ball was delivered, and the result of hesitation was that the insidious missile curled in somehow over his bat and toppled his bails off. Saurin was so much mortified as he walked back to the tent that he could not even pretend to assume a jaunty careless air, but scowled and carried his bat as if he would like to hit someone over the head with it.