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For a time Arthur was highly indignant at the new turn of affairs, and openly resented the slights which necessarily he now often received. Naturally, however, he was of a noble and generous disposition, and soon learned to tenderly love the helpless babe, whose blue eyes would brighten when he drew near, and whose lips murmured, for their first word, "Arty."

She'll introduce you to the rest." He sat down, wondering why the deuce he'd stood up, and unhappily realized that Nelly was examining Istra and himself with cool hostility. In a flurry he glowered at Istra as she nonchalantly sat down opposite him, beside Mrs. Arty, and incuriously unfolded her napkin. He thought that in her cheerful face there was an expression of devilish amusement.

He was to live in this heaven; he was going to be away from that Zapp woman; and Nelly Croubel Was she engaged to some man? he wondered. Mrs. Arty was saying: "First, I want to ask you some questions, though. Please sit down." As she creaked into one of the wicker chairs she suddenly changed from the cigarette-rolling chaffing card-player to a woman dignified, reserved, commanding. "Mr.

Your sympathy, your generosity, your patience, your precious suggestions, our dear sweet days last summer in Paris, I shall never forget. You're the best you're different from all the others. Think of me as you please and make profane jokes about my mating with a disguised 'Arty' I shall think of you only in one way. I've a great respect for you.

"Hush, Arty, you must try to like him. Are you sure you know your Rep. perfectly?" "Yes." "Then let's take a turn till the bell rings." While this conversation was going on by the shore, a very different scene was being enacted in the Croft, as the field was called which I above described.

Putting the tray down on the table she hurried to them, threw her plump bare arms round Nellie's neck and kissed her warmly on both cheeks. Then she drew back quickly and raised her finger threateningly. "Worrying again, Nellie, I can tell. My word! What with you and what with Arty I'm made thoroughly wretched. You mayn't think so to look at me, Mr.

"Well done, Arty"! cried Ford. "I'd like to do a few 'thumbnails' for that." "Let me see it, please! Why don't you say 'rushes' for 'wanders' in the last verse, Arty?" asked George, reaching out his hand for the slips. "Go away!" exclaimed Mrs. Stratton, holding them out of reach. "Can't you wait two minutes before you begin your sub-editing tricks? Josie, keep him in order!"

Three stout constables dragged the astounded Dummie from the court in an instant, yet the more ruthlessly for his ejaculating, "Eh, sirs, what's this? I tells you I have saved the judge's hown flesh and blood! Vy, now, gently, there; you'll smart for this, my fine fellow! Never you mind, Paul, my 'arty; I 'se done you a pure good "

I have oftin, smokin my own shroot in silents in a corner of the Diwann, listened to Jools and his friends inwaying aginst Hingland, and boastin of their own immortial country. How they did go on about Wellintun, and what an arty contamp they ad for him! how they used to prove that France was the Light, the Scenter-pint, the Igsample and hadmiration of the whole world! But to our tail.

"Ready for Five Hundred?" bellowed Tom Poppins in the hall below. "Ready partner you, Wrenn?" Tom was to initiate Mr. Wrenn into the game, playing with him against Mrs. Arty and Miss Mary Proudfoot. Mrs. Arty sounded the occasion's pitch of high merriment by delivering from the doorway the sacred old saying, "Well, the ladies against the men, eh?"