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Begorra, ye've been bettin' on the game!" "That's jest what I have," nodded Gallup grimly. "Arter yeou and Frank went off and I went to roamin' araound I run up ag'inst the big bear. He give me a cigar, and we went into Priley's Hotel. He wanted me to have a drink with him, but I didn't take nuthin' intoxicatin'. Silence was there, with a whole lot of them baseball fellers.

Hennion explained. "But the times is gittin' so troublous thet I want ter see Phil sottled, an' not rampin' araound as young fellers will when they hain't got nuthin' ter keep them hum nights. An' so I reckon thet if it ever is ter be, the sooner the better. Yer gal won't be the wus off, hevin' three men ter look aout fer her, if it duz come on ter blow." "Well said!" answered the squire.

An' bimeby, when he gets good an' plenty tiahed o' hell-ahootin' araound, he jes' ups an' nach'rally takes hes pick o' thu cream o' thu bunch, leavin' thu skim milk fer better men whose shoes he ain't fitten to lick!

"It ain't so bad as it might be with sech folks as her and you araound," admitted Mr. Meader. "I'd almost agree to get run over again. She was askin' about you, and that's a fact, and I didn't slander you, neither. But I never callated to comprehend wimmen-folks." "Now, Mr. Meader," said Victoria, reprovingly, but there were little creases about her eyes, "don't be a fraud."

"When a man rubs me the wrong way it kinder riles me, and I'm pretty apt to resent it. Yeou'd made a bet with old Silence if Frank hadn't happened araound, wouldn't ye?" "Oi would," confessed Barney. "Oi'd been just chump enough to go him for any owld sum up to foive hundrid dollars. All the same, Ephie, thot was foolishness on my part."

"Thar ain't quite so much walkin' araound ter do," he added significantly. I made my way down to the water-side, where Jake Landrasse sat alone on the gunwale of a Kentucky boat, smoking a clay pipe as he fished.

Newton that was took with inflam'try rheumatism an' couldn't go. Counahan the Navigator we called him." "Nick Counahan he never went aboard fer a night 'thout a pond o' rum somewheres in the manifest," said Tom Platt, playing up to the lead. "He used to bum araound the c'mission houses to Boston lookin' fer the Lord to make him captain of a tow-boat on his merits.

You two go araound gigglin' an' squinchin' an' kickin' each other under the table till there's no peace in the haouse," said he. "There's goin' to be a heap less fer some folks," Dan replied. "You wait an' see."

"I didn't hang aräound, ma'am. 'Twas Socknersh töald me." "Socknersh had no business to tell you it's no concern of yours." Martha put her hand over her mouth to hide a grin, but Joanna could see it in her eyes and the dimples of her cheeks. A sudden anger seized her. "I won't have you gossiping with Socknersh, neither you keep away from my men.

"Thar ain't quite so much walkin' araound ter do," he added significantly. I made my way down to the water-side, where Jake Landrasse sat alone on the gunwale of a Kentucky boat, smoking a clay pipe as he fished.