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Updated: August 10, 2024

His feet were sadly out of focus, and his head was held at an impossible angle by the iron rest which stood like a half-concealed skeleton behind him. He wore cheap store-clothes, and a turn-down collar which rested upon a ready-made tie of enormous proportions. It was a picture he had had taken in his first new clothes soon after coming to Clayton. Ruth had found it in an old book of Annette's.

'For heaven's sake, Annette, do not answer, said Emily softly, 'remain quite still; but I fear we must extinguish the lamp, or its glare will betray us. 'Holy Virgin! exclaimed Annette, forgetting her discretion, 'I would not be in darkness now for the whole world. While she spoke, the voice became louder than before, and repeated Annette's name; 'Blessed Virgin! cried she suddenly, 'it is only Ludovico. She rose to open the door, but Emily prevented her, till they should be more certain, that it was he alone; with whom Annette, at length, talked for some time, and learned, that he was come to enquire after herself, whom he had let out of her room to go to Emily, and that he was now returned to lock her in again.

The master of the house was away on a journey, far away in the town of Interlaken inter lacus, "between the lakes" as the school-master, Annette's father, had explained, in his wisdom. Far away was the miller and Babette with him; there was to be a shooting festival, which was to commence on the following day and to continue for a whole week.

At length Annette's story was brought to light, and Jeanne could but thank them for their trouble, at the same time explaining that neither she nor her husband had ever had brothers, and that their parents had been dead these many years. "You naughty, wicked girl!" scolded Jeanne, as her tearful progeny was led forward. "You wicked, wicked girl what made you tell such lies?"

Charles may be fonder of pleasure than of business, but he is a young man; by and by he will see and feel the necessity of steady application to the duties of his situation, and become less wild and more manly." "NEVER!" would be solemnly enunciated by Annette's auditors.

Yet the jaundiced fit served its turn, and even whilst its anguish burned and nauseated, he began to ask one wholesome question: 'For whose shortcoming, for whose wrong-doing, for whose virtues turned vicious, and whose vices tuned to airs of virtue, do I thus suffer? The answer was at first confused and loud. Annette's name was noisy in it Claudia's sounded there. So did Gertrude's.

Elaborately, she closed the registers, plugged the keyhole with her key, and set two chairs beside him. "Now sit down," she whispered. "They can't hear us talkin', though we'd better whisper for safety, but two sets of footsteps might sound suspicious. The halls are carpeted like a padded cell, which ought to have put me wise in the beginning." "Are you sure Annette's abed?" he asked anxiously.

Besides all this he had brought with him riches which far exceeded those of his father-in-law, and a steed full of fire and vigour. So Annette's father could find no fault, and the wedding was celebrated with joy and feasting. Large quantities of roasted crane were eaten, and glasses overflowing with mead were emptied.

He travelled to Brussels, and thence to Paris, going away with a relief which was made the more complete by the latest intelligence the doctor had brought him: there was to be no child of Annette's and his. That hope or fear and he had barely known which to think it was over.

Annette's doors were locked, both that which gave upon the corridor and that which communicated with his own little room. He could but remember how often they had been closed before, and what varying reasons he had been forced to seek and find for her isolation of herself. That riddle was read now.

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