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How all the past and all the future seem crowded together into one moment, and one knows not how to set about anything rightly, and only a look or a touch must tell all that is felt! Still Amrei found good words to speak. When she counted out her brother's stock of linen she said: "These are good, respectable shirts keep yourself respectable and good in them."

With hurried steps she went along the street, and did not look back again. Amrei put her hands up to her neck and bent down her face, wishing to examine the coin; but she could not quite succeed. Damie was chewing on the last piece of his switch; when his sister looked at him and saw tears in his eyes, she said: "You shall see you'll get the finest pair of breeches in the village!"

"It's hard enough to have to go away from one's home and live among strangers. You ought rather to cheer me up, than to be so so ." "Right thinking is the best cheer," replied Amrei. "It does not weigh upon the heart at all. But you are right you have enough to bear; a single pound added to the load might crush you. I am foolish after all.

Amrei carefully helped the old man to his feet, and he remarked: "You are strong," and in his teasing way he made himself more helpless and heavier than he actually was. As they walked along, he asked: "To whom are you going at the farm?" "To the farmer and his wife." "What do you want of them?" "That I shall tell them." "Well, if you want anything of them, you had better turn back at once.

'I'll tell you more later! Now, Amrei, don't be gone too long, and send some one down to me at the mill as soon as you can if the wagoner is at home, you'd best send him, for he can run like a hare. There, do you see that house yonder, with the stork's nest, and the two barns on the hillside, to the left of the wood? There's a linden by the house do you see it?" "Yes." "That's our house.

He asked the master to explain to the children that their parents were dead, because he himself could not make it clear to them Amrei especially seemed determined not to understand it. The master did all he could, and the children became quiet. But from the school they went back to the empty house and waited there, hungry and forsaken, until they were fetched away.

Amrei replied that she preferred to do that here at home for the present, but that if her uncle remained in the same mind, she and her brother would come to him at some future time. Indeed, the interest her uncle now expressed for the children, for a moment, almost made her waver in her resolution, but in her characteristic way she did not venture to show any signs of it.

The old man had hit the spot where, as a matter of fact, all of them were sore, although they tried to persuade themselves, and each other, that they were prejudiced against Amrei because she had come among them without any relatives of her own. And while Amrei was talking to John's sister, the old farmer said to his son in a low voice: "One would never imagine, to look at her, what she has.

Amrei very likely felt that henceforward she would have to be doubly brave, in order to escape the reproaches of her own conscience, as well as those of others; and so she asked again: "Don't you know of anything at all?" "Yes, certainly; but you must not be ashamed of anything except begging. Have you not heard that foolish Fridolin yesterday killed two geese belonging to a farmer's wife?

Amrei told Black Marianne that a wonder had happened to her; Farmer Landfried, whose wife she so often thought about, had spoken to her and had taken her part in a talk with Farmer Rodel, and had given her something. She then displayed the piece of money, and Marianne called out, laughing: "Yes, I might have guessed myself that it was Farmer Landfried.