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"Ho!" ses Ginger, sniffing, "a amatoor." "Amatoor?" ses Bill, shouting. "That's wot we should call you over in Australia," ses Ginger; "my name is Dick Duster, likewise known as the Sydney Puncher. I've killed three men in the ring and 'ave never 'ad a defeat." "Well, put 'em up," ses Bill, doubling up 'is fists and shaping at 'im.

Those are the sort of men I'm thinking of, not the bricklayer out of work, who smashes a window and gets ten years for breaking open a cheesemonger's till with nine and fourpence ha'penny in it. "'Yes, says I, 'and are you forgetting the chap who was nabbed at Birmingham only last week? He wasn't exactly an amatoor. How long do think he'll get?

These two sat scowling and whispering in the back-ground. "Dat's a wrong guy," muttered the former to the latter. "He's a stool pigeon or one of dese amatoor mugs." "It's the pullin' of that punk graft that got my goat," replied The General.

These are my young friends, natyves, an amatoor fishermen. Cast your eye down into yonder hold, and see if this here's a fishin craft." The officer looked down, and saw a cooking stove, trunks, and bedding. He looked around in doubt. But this scene had lasted long enough. "O, nonsense!" said Bart, suddenly pulling up his line, and coming forward; "see here it's all right," said he to the officer.

And once more I could but admire the tact with which Levy had discarded his favourite cudgels, and the surprising play that he was making with the buttoned foil. "It'd be more picking than stealing," said he. "Tricky picking too, Raffles, but innocent enough even for an amatoor." "I thank you, Mr. Levy. So you have a definite case in mind?" "I have a case of recovering a man's own property."

They's a storm coming any fool can see that; and she's sure going to come down in large chunks. We ain't got this amatoor hell for nothing! Yuh won't want to do no branding in the cook-tent, nor no place else. I betche " "Please," spoke up Pink, coiling afresh the rope thrown off a calf he had just dragged up to Cal and Happy Jack, "won't somebody lend me a handkerchief?

I've got no more infloonce than what my ballot gives me, and my takin' an intelligent public interest in what's goin' on. But it looks to an amatoor like the people are gettin' tired of this ring-rule they been givin' us, and 're goin' to rise in their majesty pretty soon, and fill the offices with young progressive men who never heeled f'r the organization."

Thro' making that disturbance, and a little skill I have got by doing amatoor conjuring to amuse my wife and famly, I was able to slip the case of my employer's jewls into your breast pocket without your knowing.

Yes, I'll keep any amatoor paws off your car, and off my own as well, you bet." To pass from the stable yard to the garden it was not necessary to enter the hotel. A short path, shaded by trellis-laden creepers and climbing roses, led to a rustic bridge over the stream.

I left the coffee shop later on for a place in the city, and saw nothing more of them for five years. When I did it was at a restaurant in Oxford Street one of those amatoor shows run by a lot of women, who know nothing about the business, and spend the whole day gossiping and flirting "love-shops," I call 'em.