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Updated: August 21, 2024

But all of a sudden she bust out a-laughin' with the tears standin' in her big eyes and runnin' down her cheeks. "There," sez I, "you see I'm right, don't you?" "Oh you dear, delicious Samantha!" sez she, and she throwed her arms round me and kissed me. I kissed her back and then I went on brushin' my hair for the night. I hadn't nothin' on but my skirts and dressin' sack, but I didn't mind her.

''Tis the big, black, ugly-faced snake, as black as a black stockin' an' thicker round than me leg at the thigh before I was wasted away! he says, poor man. 'It's makin' the fizzin' n'ise awful to-night, he says. 'An' the little black man wit' the gassly white forehead is a-laughin', he says. 'He's a-laughin' an' a-pokin' the big, black, fizzin', ugly-faced snake wit' his broomstick "

But somehow he'd work it thet that alarm 'd go off in the dead hours o' night, key or no key, an' her an' me we'd jump out o' bed like ez ef we was shot; and do you b'lieve thet that baby, not able to talk, an' havin' on'y half 'is teeth, he ain't never failed to wake up an' roa' out a-laughin' ever' time that clock 'd go off in the night!

They was a havin' a little party there; they was a father an' a mother an' sisters and brothers an' all; an' they was all a-laughin' an' a-playin' an' jest as happy as they could be. An' they was a boy there 'at wasn't no bigger'n me, an' his mother come an' put her arms aroun' his neck an' kissed him.

The darkness about him held no human being save himself, but the vision was just as real to him, and the coming was just as welcome as though it had all been true. "Why, how strange you look, Uncle Billy; an' you're a-laughin' at me what! does she? Well, I'll go to her just as soon as I get out, just as soon. How did she find it out? I was goin' to be the first to tell her.

Weller was seized with a paroxysm of chuckles, which gradually terminated in as near an approach to a choke as an elderly gentleman can, with safety, sustain. 'Well, I never see sitch an old ghost in all my born days, exclaimed Sam, rubbing the old gentleman's back, hard enough to set him on fire with the friction. 'What are you a-laughin' at, corpilence? 'Hush! Sammy, said Mr.

Little girl: modest and timid in her manners, not apt to address her elders until spoken to hair braided neatly and tied with blue ribbon white apron over dark dress doing patchwork with a pleased expression. Has not forgotten thimble " Here Sandy was interrupted by the Cook and the Gardener, who declared that if he didn't stop they'd die a-laughin', that they would!

"Well, just as I 'appened to look in at the winder, she 'appened to be standin' wi' an open book in 'er 'and a old, leather book wi' a broken cover." "Yes?" said I. "And she was a-laughin' and a pretty, soft, Eve's laugh it were, too." "Yes?" said I. "And 'e were a-lookin' at the book-over 'er shoulder!" The irons slipped from my grasp, and fell with a harsh clang.

And though I realized the awfulness of it, still, when some of the brethern wuz goin' on dretful about it, I sez to 'em: "The Bible sez there is a time to laugh, and I don't know when that is, unless it is when you can't help it." What she wuz a-laughin' at wuz this: There wuz a widder woman by the name of Nancy Lum that always come to evenin' meetin's.

"They ain't hurtin' nothin'," she said, impatient of the interruption to her story. "I wisht you might 'a' seen that ole fool Mason a-lordin' it aroun', an' that little devil Nance a-takin' him off to the life. Everybody nearly died a-laughin' at her. But he says he's goin' to have her up in court, an' I ain't got a blessed thing to wear 'cept that ole hat of yours I trimmed up.

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