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Göttingen: bei Vanderhoeck und Ruprecht. 1836. Kurz gefasstes exegetisches Handbuch zum Alten Testament. Zweite Lieferung. Hiob. Von Ludwig Hirzel. Zweite Auflage, durchgesehen von Dr. Justus Olshausen. Leipzig. 1852. Quæstionum in Jobeidos locos vexatos Specimen. Von D. Hermannus Hupfeld. Halis Saxonum. 1853. Jerome, whom our translators have followed.

Musäus is named as an imitator of Sterne by Koberstein, and Erich Schmidt implies in hisRichardson, Rousseau und Goethe,” that he followed Sterne in hisGrandison der Zweite,” which could hardly be possible, forGrandison der Zweitewas first published in 1760, and was probably written during 1759, that is, before Sterne had published Tristram Shandy. Adolph von Knigge is also mentioned by Koberstein as a follower of Sterne, and Baker includes Knigge’sReise nach BraunschweigandBriefe auf einer Reise aus Lothringenin his list. Their connection with Sterne cannot be designated as other than remote; the former is a merry vagabond story, reminding one much more of the tavern and way-faring adventures in Fielding and Smollett, and suggesting Sterne only in the constant conversation with the reader about the progress of the book and the mechanism of its construction. One example of the hobby-horse idea in this narration may perhaps be traced to Sterne. TheBriefe auf einer Reise aus Lothringenhas even less connection; it shares only in the increase of interest in personal accounts of travel. Knigge’s novels, “Peter ClausandDer Roman meines Lebens,” are decidedly not imitations of Sterne; a

Thousands perish yearly; but the eastward march of the whole, up hill and down dale, is sure and steady as that of Lynceus' Goths in Goethe's Helena: 'Ein lang und breites Volkegewicht, Der erate wusste vom letzen nicht. Der erste fiel, der zweite stand, Des dritten Lanze war zur Hand, Ein jeder hundertfach gestarkt; Erschlagene Tausend unbemerkt

On the Russian sovereigns: R. N. Bain, The First Romanovs, 1613-1725 , and, by the same author, Pupils of Peter the Great: a History of the Russian Court and Empire from 1697 to 1740 ; Eugene Schuyler, Peter the Great, 2 vols. , a scholarly work; Kazimierz Waliszewski, Peter the Great, an admirable study trans. from the French by Lady Mary Loyd , and, by the same author, though not as yet translated, L'heritage de Pierre le Grand: regne des femmes, gouvernement des favoris, 1725-1741 and La derniere des Romanov, Elisabeth R ; Alexander Bruckner, Peter der Grosse , and, by the same author, Katharina die Zweite , important German works, in the Oncken Series; E. A. B. Hodgetts, The Life of Catherine the Great of Russia , a recent fair-minded treatment in English.

As the works of the first- named authors are so well known, I need not give the titles; but as those of the latter are less well known in England, I will give them: 'Sechs Vorlesungen uber die Darwin'sche Theorie: zweite Auflage, 1868, von Dr L. Buchner; translated into French under the title 'Conferences sur la Theorie Darwinienne, 1869.

Darwin is undoubtedly due the elaboration and thoroughly scientific defence of the theory of natural selection, and to him is to be referred the deep and widespread interest which it has excited. Von D. Hermann Ulrici. Zweite Auflage. Leipzig, 1866, p. 394. The Theory of Evolution of Living Things and the Application of the Principles of Evolution to Religion. By Rev.

Compare here the very comprehensive but confusing literature on onanism, e.g., Rohleder, Die Masturbation, 1899. Cf. also the pamphlet, "Die Onanie," which contains the discussion of the Vienna Psychoanalytic Society, Wiesbaden, 1912. Compare here the essay on "Charakter und Analerotic" in the Sammlung kleiner Schriften zur Neurosenlehre, Zweite Folge, 1909. Cf. also Brill, Psychanalysis, Chap.

Sammlung physiologischer Abhandlungen, Zweite Reihe, Erster Heft, 1878. Romanes has an interesting discussion of the habit of feigning death among animals, and cautiously reaches the conclusion that it is very largely due, not to kataplexy, but to intelligent action. Mental Evolution in Animals, pp. 303-316.

Zweite Auflage, Berlin, 1873, pp. 8, and 9. The Opponents of Darwinism. The Duke of Argyll. When cultivated men undertake to refute a certain system, it is to be presumed that they give themselves the trouble to ascertain what that system is. As the advocates of Mr.

Clearly something out of the ordinary was in the air. After the Count greeted us, he inquired if we were known to each other. Receiving a negative, he introduced us. My companion was a Herr von Senden, ex-officer of the Zweite Gaarde Dragona. "You will both be taken at half-past eleven to a certain room," said the Count.