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As the works of the first- named authors are so well known, I need not give the titles; but as those of the latter are less well known in England, I will give them: 'Sechs Vorlesungen uber die Darwin'sche Theorie: zweite Auflage, 1868, von Dr L. Buchner; translated into French under the title 'Conferences sur la Theorie Darwinienne, 1869.

Cramming her oil-stained overall into her haversack, she put on her leather coat and went up to the garage. The sun had disappeared. A cold wind struck the silk-clad ankles. "Come in," she said in English, lifting her head and all her mind and spirit out of the pit of the pillow. Feet came further into the room and a shivering child held a candle in her face. "Halb sechs, Fraeulein," it said.

"How old are you?" asked Helen. "Sechs yahre," was the shy answer. "Such a big girl for six!" "So grosse! So grosse!" The little thing measured her height by touching her forehead. "Shump down," admonished the mother stolidly, while Helen bent over the child, wasting upon her the most wonderful smile of the everlasting years.

Hauff, Schillerstudien, Stuttgart, 1880. Philippi, Schillers Lyrische Gedankendichtung in ihrem ideellen Zusammenhange beleuchtet, Augsburg, 1888. Helene Lange, Schillers Philosophische Gedichte, sechs Vortraege, Berlin, 1887. Schiller als Lyrischer Dichter in Duentzers Erlaeuterungen.

Sometimes he was half the night arguing with himself about the various prices and qualities of this useful article, but I did not understand enough of his blat deutsch to gather the drift of the argument. Mein Gott! Ich kann nicht schlafen!" Here he would jump up and shout "Kellner! Kellner! ein flask bier! sechs und zechzig zweimal acht und vierzig! Kellner, flask bier! Liebe Gott was ist das?

"Let's see. Es wonnte sechs und dreissig unterjacke," he read. "Why, blast it, was the man running a haberdashery? What have three dozen undershirts to do with this?" "A memorandum for outfitting, probably," suggested the captain. "Try here." "Chemical formulae," said Trendon. The devil! Can't make a thing of it." "Well, here's something in English." "Good," said the other.

Nine und sechzig flask bier! Kleich! Kleich!" When the beer came he would drink off three bottles without stopping, then light his pipe, fill the cabin with smoke, and after he had done that go on deck to get the fresh air. I could hear him for hours walking up and down over my head, and thought I could occasionally detect the words. "Hemphf ruble thaler fuenfmal sechs und zwanzig mein Gott!"

"B-e-l-l-i-g-e-r-e-n-t!" spelled Frieda triumphantly, stumbling out of the carriage, "'Inclined to fight; war-like; pug-na-cious Ah!" Her eyes fell upon the Handgepäck. "Eins, zwei, drei, vier, fünf, wo denn? So! fünf, sechs. Es sind alle hier!" "There!" said Hannah. "I told you the man wouldn't steal!"