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Whereupon we realised more clearly than ever the delicate whimsicality of the whole delineation, when we saw, as well as heard, the boy return a-flushing, "Cobbs, I never let anybody joke about that when I can prevent them," Cobbs immediately explaining in all humility, "It wasn't a joke, sir wasn't so meant." No wonder, Boots had exclaimed previously: "And the courage of that boy!

It had not come to him all at once. His intellect at first stood in his way. His love of paradox, his deep observation, his insight all made him inherently satirical, though not cruelly so; but satire had become pure whimsicality at last; and he came to see that, on the whole, the world was imperfect, but also, on the whole, was moving toward perfection rather than imperfection.

American Poetry in the eighteen-nineties William Vaughn Moody his early death a serious loss to literature George Santayana a master of the sonnet Robert Underwood Johnson his moral idealism Richard Burton his healthy optimism his growth Edwin Markham and his famous poem Ella Wheeler Wilcox her additions to our language Edmund Vance Cooke Edith M. Thomas Henry van Dyke George E. Woodberry his spiritual and ethereal quality William Dudley Foulke translator of Petrarch the late H. K. Vielé his whimsicality Cale Young Rice his prolific production his versatility Josephine P. Peabody Sursum Corda her child poems Edwin Arlington Robinson a forerunner of the modern advance his manliness and common sense intellectual qualities.

We are entirely dependent on Nicolai’s memory for our information relative to this sole endeavor on Lessing’s part to adopt completely the manner of Sterne. Nicolai asserts that this effort was a complete success in the realization of Yorick’s simplicity, his good-natured but acute philosophy, his kindly sympathy and tolerance, even his merry whimsicality.

No marvel that her matrimonial experiences were the comment of the camp and gave rise to many differences, but, since placidity and fat have been known among so-called civilised peoples to blend in the individual, Maria's demeanour called for no comment. It was not her fault, but the flightiness and whimsicality of Nature which had contrived to make her the belle of the camp.

While tolerant of those who have yielded to the new order, he himself is a great stickler for the preservation of antique forms and ceremonies: sometimes, indeed, pushing his fancies to lengths that fairly would lay him open to the charge of whimsicality, were not even the most extravagant of his crotchets touched and mellowed by his natural goodness of heart.

Attempts at whimsicality, imitations also of the Shandean gallery of originals appear, and the more particularly Shandean style of narration is adopted in the novels of the period which deal with middle-class domestic life. Of books directly inspired by Sterne, or following more or less slavishly his guidance, a

There was much of Europe in his learning, as his memorable Dante essay shows, and the traditions of great English literature were the daily companions of his mind. He was bookish, as a bookman should be, and sometimes the very richness and whimsicality of his bookish fancies marred the simplicity and good taste of his pages.

Nancy he called his "lucky sixpence," but he called Sally his "guinea-girl." From first to last his whimsicality never deserted him. In his worst hours, some innate optimism and humour held him steady in his fight. It was not depression that possessed him at the worst, but the violence of an appetite most like a raging pain which men may endure with a smile upon their lips.

You talk like an ancient dame." Kitty smiled, but her eyes had a slumbering look as if she was half dreaming. "That's the mistake most of you make men and women. There's such a thing as instinct, and there's such a thing as keeping your eyes open." "What did Mrs. Crozier say when you told her about opening that five-year-old letter? Did she hate you?" Kitty nodded with wistful whimsicality.