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Whale, Sperm-, battles of male. Whales, nakedness of. Whately, Arch., language not peculiar to man; on the primitive civilisation of man. Whewell, Prof., on maternal affection. Whiskers, in monkeys. White, F.B., noise produced by Hylophila.

Ef he gone, he ain' say neber a word ter me, not eben good-by." "No use of your lying. You knew the rascal's purpose. Why didn't you tell Mr. Baron? Which way did he go?" "I des declar, mars'r, I dunno." "You DO know," cried Whately, driven almost to frenzy, "and I'll cut the truth out of you." His whip fell before he could arrest it, but it struck the arm and shoulder of Miss Lou.

Whately, since she, with good reason, felt under obligations to him. Even more than an adventurous scouting expedition he relished a situation full of humor, and such, his presence at Mr. Baron's supper-table promised to be. He knew his entertainment would be gall and wormwood to the old Bourbon and his wife, and that the courtesy had been wrung from them by his own forbearance.

Theology: Foster, Hall, Chalmers. Philosophy: Stewart, Brown, Mackintosh, Bentham, Alison, and others. Political Economy: Mill, Whewell, Whately, De Morgan, Hamilton. Periodical Writings: the Edinburgh, Quarterly, and Westminster Reviews, and Blackwood's Magazine. Physical Science: Brewster, Herschel, Playfair, Miller, Buckland, Whewell. Since 1860. 1.

Judson cowered down in his chair and dropped his eyes, while my father seated himself and went on. "Before Irving Whately went to the war he had me draw up a will. You witnessed it. It listed his property the merchandise, the real estate, the bank stock, the cash deposits, and the personal effects. He did not contemplate his wife's second marriage, you see.

Archbishop Whately has contended that syllogising, or reasoning from generals to particulars, is not, agreeably to the vulgar idea, a peculiar mode of reasoning, but the philosophical analysis of the mode in which all men reason, and must do so if they reason at all. With the deference due to so high an authority, I cannot help thinking that the vulgar notion is, in this case, the more correct.

Scoville and Whately, with those immediately about them, maintained the conflict. The two young officers were evenly matched as swordsmen, although the Federal was the larger, stronger, and cooler man. As a result, their duel was quickly terminated by the loss of Whately's sabre, wrenched from his hand.

One of his anecdotes was this: 'Archbishop Whately did not like a professor named Robert Daly; he said the Irish were a very contented people, they were satisfied with one bob daily. I found that a 'bob' is a shilling. "When the dinner was over, the ladies left the room, and the gentlemen remained over their wine; but not for long, for Mr. Airy does not like it, and Struve hates it.

Canterbury.# Yet these unlucky accidents only delayed the progress of the colony by a year or two, and in the year 1850 a new settlement was formed. Seven years before this, Wakefield had conceived the idea of a settlement in connection with the Church of England. A number of leading men took up the notion, and among them was the famous Archbishop Whately.

We're in the same boat barring a great difference in ages. Why, hang it, Judge, let's get married!" He giggled explosively and so failed to see the stern face of the man before him. "I want a young woman, a pretty girl, I've a right to a pretty girl, I think. In fact, I want Marjory Whately. And what's more, I'm going to have her. I've all but got the widder's consent now.