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"Vell, how are you?" began the Professor, trying to warm up their ancient friendship; and then, seeing that Denver merely bristled the more, he cast off his cloak of well-wishing. "I vas yoost over to Murray's camp," he burst out vindictively, "and Dave said he vanted his gun." "Tell 'im to come over and get it," suggested Denver and then he unbuckled his belt.

About a year after my first ill-omened interviews with Maha Mongkut, and when I had become permanently installed in my double office of teacher and scribe, I was one day busy with a letter from his Majesty to the Earl of Clarendon, and finding that any attempt at partial correction would but render his meaning more ambiguous, and impair the striking originality of his style, I had abandoned the effort, and set about copying it with literal exactness, only venturing to alter here and there a word, such as "I hasten with wilful pleasure to write in reply to your Lordship's well-wishing letter," etc.

While she enunciated her few and simple words of well-wishing, she looked straight out at them from deep black eyes. The two woodsmen, awed into a vast respect, fumbled their caps in their hands and noted, in the unconscious manner of the forest frequenter, the fresh dusk rose of her skin, the sharply defined red of her lips, the soft wheat colour of her hair.

Formerly, many of thy wise well-wishers, numbering Vidura amongst them, had told thee, "Do not, O king, abandon the sons of Pandu." Thou didst not then heed those words. The man that heedeth not the counsels of well-wishing friends, weepeth, falling into great distress, like thyself. He of Dasarha's race, O king, had formerly begged thee for peace.

I am wishing that you could be with us on the road on such a day, for every man would be stopping and getting his dram, and giving his good wishes to the pair before he would be going on with his business. And Hugh would be speaking for his wife and himself, and giving his thanks to the folk for their well-wishing.

And then there was a kissing a hand-shaking a well-wishing a going out to the simple but elegantly arranged collation a disappearance of the bride to put on traveling array a carriage at the door smiles, tears, and good-bys Mr., and Mrs., and Mr. Robert Selmore were off to meet the Western train and all was over. Mrs. Etherege remained a few days longer at Cross Corners.

It was so archaic in cut, with a little ruffle at neck and sleeves, that it did more than adequate service toward maturing her. Indeed, there was no youth about Miss Amabel, except the youth of her eyes and smile. There were childlike wistfulness and hope, but experience chiefly, of life, of the unaccounted for, the unaccountable. She had, above all, an expression of well-wishing.

Croly did come not only the well-wishing and the patient labor, but also a foretaste of her reward. Her days were extended until her purposes fulfilled met the gratitude of her successors.

The meaning being that the ash when green burns well, but when dry or withered just the reverse. A form of well-wishing formerly current in Yorkshire was thus: "May your footfall be by the root of an ash," In allusion, it has been suggested, to the fact that the ash is a capital tree for draining the soil in its vicinity.

He took the stone without remark, and hung it, as Marie requested, about the neck of the Madonna. Each day as he said mass the sight of the mutilated jewel roused within him resentful feelings against poor, well-wishing little Marie. He had been very kind to her since he had first seen the stone in the possession of her father, but now it was worse than before.