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"Where's my brother?" asked Thomas roughly. "Mr. Gray ben still in the barn vorking. It's too bad he haf so much to do he don't get much time mit de missus den she tink he don't vant to come. I'm glad you're back, Mr. Thomas. I vas yust gon in to get ve herd book for him. I took it in to show Edit' someting I vant to explain to her, and left it in ve house. Most dum." "You needn't bring it back.

One poor little girl, sick and vorking hard avay from home. Ach! it is a shame. Good Mr. Robberman, you vill please let me have dot letter?" "What the devil do you take us for, old Pretzels?" said Hondo with sudden and surprising severity. "You ain't presumin' to insinuate that we gents ain't possessed of sufficient politeness for to take an interest in the miss's health, are you?

It is zee vorking of physical law in zee spiritual vorld zat perplexes me. Moses has cut zee brute in two physical fact, substance can be divided. Zee two parts are still alife, zerfore, zee life zee spirit has also been divided!" "It is indeed very strange," said Nigel, with a laugh.

All great hengineers has to investigate before vorking, and I'm no exception to the rule." "Why, you miserable scamp," cried Fred, angrily, "didn't you say that you could lead us to the very spot where the treasure was buried?" "Vell, vot if I did?

Vat a fool I vas to make this trip ven the whole ocean is full of submarines and German agents and plotters and Yes, vat a fool ven I had so many high-priced men vorking for me who vas crazy to come. But my vife she vould do it. Paris and London every year it used to be, so she must haf a little holiday or she vill die, she say. Veil, here we are.

Comrade Stankewitz, Jimmie's cigar-store friend, cried out in his shrill eager voice: Vy did we vant to git mixed up vit them European fights? Didn't we know vat bankers and capitalists vere? Vat difference did it make to any vorking man vether he vas robbed from Paris or Berlin?

Shrig?" inquired Barnabas as they crossed Blackfriars Bridge. "Because I'm vorking out a problem, sir. For some time I've been trying to add two and two together, and now I'm droring my conclusions. So you know Old Nick the cobbler, do you, sir?" "I didn't an hour ago." "Sir, when you vos in his shop, I took the liberty o' peeping in at the winder." "Indeed?" "And I seen that theer 'andsome gal."

"Vat yer vant is sumthink that makes blood an' stands by von," she had said; "an' this 'ere salt, dry stuff an' light baker's bread and tea and coffee don't do this hat hall. They's good henough as relishes an' trimmins an' roundins hoff, but they hain't got the nourishin' in 'em that vorking people vants. Buy hoat meal an' corn meal make good bread of yer hown.

"Vell, if I is treated according to my merits it's all I vants, 'cos I'se certain to get 'nuff to heat and drink without vorking very hard and vot can a gemman 'spect more in this vorld?"

"I have a right to speak here, and I mean to speak," she declared. "We don't want to have to arrest you, lady " "You either have to arrest me, or else allow me to speak." "I'm sorry, lady, but it's orders. You are arrested." Then came the turn of Comrade Stankewitz. "Vorking men, it is for the rights of the vorkers ve are here." And so they jerked him off.