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Franz gave him Albert's letter. "Read that," he said. The count read it. "Well, well!" said he. "Did you see the postscript?" "I did, indeed. "'Se alle sei della mattina le quattro mile piastre non sono nelle mie mani, alla sette il conte Alberto avra cessato di vivere. "'Luigi Vampa." "What think you of that?" inquired Franz. "Have you the money he demands?"

I have heard in particular, that the Steenkirk arrived but two Months ago at Newcastle, and that there are several Commodes in those Parts which are worth taking a Journey thither to see. No. 130. Monday, July 30, 1711. Addison. ... Semperque recentes Convectare juvat praedas, et vivere rapto. Virg.

All that others distribute amongst an infinite number of friends and acquaintance, to their glory and grandeur, I dedicate to the repose of my own mind and to myself; that which escapes thence is not properly by my direction: "Mihi nempe valere et vivere doctus." Now I find my opinions very bold and constant in condemning my own imperfection.

To make a man pleased with himself, let me tell you, is doing a very great thing; "Si patriae volumus, si Nobis vivere cari." I was at this time myself a water-drinker, upon trial, by Johnson's recommendation. I did not mean to offend you. SIR JOSHUA. 'At first the taste of wine was disagreeable to me; but I brought myself to drink it, that I might be like other people.

An example of the turn of words, amongst a thousand others, is that in the last book of Ovid's "Metamorphoses": "Heu! quantum scelus est, in viscera, viscera condi! Congestoque avidum pinguescere corpore corpus; Alteriusque animantem animantis vivere leto." An example on the turn both of thoughts and words is to be found in Catullus in the complaint of Ariadne when she was left by Theseus:

'And sometimes through the week, I should think, said Mannering, continuing the same tone. 'Why, yes; as far as my vocation will permit. I am, as Hamlet says, indifferent honest, when my clients and their solicitors do not make me the medium of conveying their double-distilled lies to the bench. But oportet vivere! it is a sad thing. And now to our business.

By the ear Death pulls me. 'Live! he whispers softly, 'Live! I come." The practical philosophy of the indefatigable roues sums itself up in this sentence uttered by Trimalchio. The verb "vivere" has taken a meaning very much broader and less special, than that which it had at the time when it signified only the material fact of existence.

To make a man pleased with himself, let me tell you, is doing a very great thing ; "Si patriæ volumus, si Nobis vivere cari ." I did not mean to offend you. SIR JOSHUA. 'At first the taste of wine was disagreeable to me; but I brought myself to drink it, that I might be like other people.

I have sat by, when a friend of mine, in my own house, for sport-sake, has with one of these fellows counterfeited a jargon of Galimatias, patched up of phrases without head or tail, saving that he interlarded here and there some terms that had relation to their dispute, and held the coxcomb in play a whole afternoon together, who all the while thought he had answered pertinently and learnedly to all his objections; and yet this was a man of letters, and reputation, and a fine gentleman of the long robe: "Vos, O patricius sanguis, quos vivere par est Occipiti caeco, posticae occurrite sannae."

Primum vivere, deinde philosophari, says the old Latin adage; and as the philosopher is a man before he is a philosopher, he must needs live before he can philosophize, and, in fact, he philosophizes in order to live. And usually he philosophizes either in order to resign himself to life, or to seek some finality in it, or to distract himself and forget his griefs, or for pastime and amusement.