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You do not know den de girl's history, do you not?" "No, but maybe I may be able to get it for ye," answered Geordie, unwilling to be dismissed simpliciter. "Very vell, anoter time I vish you, in de meantime, to carry dis letter to Ludovic Brodie, Esq. of Birkiehaugh. Do you know vere he lives?" "I will carry it wi' the greatest o' pleasure, madam," answered Geordie.

If I'm quiet and well-behaved, Bridgie is after giving me a mixture, for, says she, `The choild's ill; there's not been a sound out of her this day! I wish I was back in me own country, Mademoiselle, and then I shouldn't trouble you any more!" "I vish I was back in my countree, too," sighed the other softly, and two big tears started in the brown eyes, and trickled slowly down the cheeks.

Approaching Sergeant A. S. Horsley, he said, "Vy ish you got nodings mit your knapsack? Sir, you must have somedings mit your knapsack." Alf ran into his tent and came back with his knapsack in the right shape. Well, old Owleydousky thought he would be smart and make an example of Alf, and said, "I vish to inspect your clodings."

"Because I wish to learn," I replied, after a moment's hesitation. "No, mine vriendt," he snapped, "you do not vish to learn. You care not'ing for science. You are romantic, you grope, you change, you are unformed. In a vord, you are a voman. You haf industry mine Gott, yes! and you vill learn of me because I am a man and because you haf not'ing better to do.

"He nearly died chust now," said Schmucke, with deep sorrow in his voice. "M. Trognon lives near by in the Rue Saint-Louis," said M. Jolivard, "he is the notary of the quarter." "Would you like me to go for him?" asked Remonencq. "I should pe fery glad," said Schmucke; "for gif Montame Zipod cannot pe mit mine vriend, I shall not vish to leaf him in der shtate he is in " "Mme.

"Ah, miséricorde! Ah, mon dieu, je suis abîmé. I am ruin! I am done up! I am break all into ten sousan leetle pieces! I am von lame duck, and I shall vaddle across de gran ocean for Paris, vish is de only valuarble vatare privalege dat is left me

It is nothing but details," cried the little Jew. "The papers is full of them. I vish to the Lord that that Langworthy had proke his neck in the Ural Mountains before he got up to any such games. Vat business had he to go examining gravel and peeping about in such places as them. Nobody that's any good would ever go to the Ural Mountains at all."

Console yourself, my dear Baron,” his friend would reply; “they always come. That’s seldom the difficulty.” And the Baron would dally with his victuals in the most unwonted fashion, and growl at the rapidity with which the courses followed one another. “Do zey suppose ve vish to eat like——?” he began, and then laying his hand on his friend’s sleeve, he whispered, “She goms!”

Weller, 'though how you've managed to get over your mother-in-law, is a mystery to me. I only vish you'd write me out the receipt, that's all. 'Hush! said Sam, 'she's at home, old feller. 'She ain't vithin hearin', replied Mr. Weller; 'she always goes and blows up, downstairs, for a couple of hours arter tea; so we'll just give ourselves a damp, Sammy. Saying this, Mr.

'Us may tich of her now, I rackon, said Betty in her most jealous way; 'Annie, tak her by the head, and I'll tak her by the toesen. No taime to stand here like girt gawks. Don'ee tak on zo, missus. Ther be vainer vish in the zea Lor, but, her be a booty!