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"Herr Foerster," interrupted Mrs Dene "Is the room ready for our friend who is coming this evening?" "Your vriendt, he is from New York?" "Ja, ja, Gnaedige Frau!" said the Forester, hastily. "I haf a broader in New York. Blumenthal and Cohen, you know dem, yes?"

As the two men glanced at each other the light of mutual recognition leaped into their eyes, and in a moment the right hand of each was locked in the cordial grip of the other. "Ach, mine vriendt," exclaimed the shorter of the two, as he beamed up at the other through his gold-rimmed spectacles, "how are you? and how is her ladyship? Both quite well, I hope!"

"Because I wish to learn," I replied, after a moment's hesitation. "No, mine vriendt," he snapped, "you do not vish to learn. You care not'ing for science. You are romantic, you grope, you change, you are unformed. In a vord, you are a voman. You haf industry mine Gott, yes! and you vill learn of me because I am a man and because you haf not'ing better to do.

The Frenchmen, bewildered, surprised, and only half awake, ran out into the streets. The Flemings were shouting 'Schilt ende Vriendt! Some fled to the gates; but at every gate they found a band of guards, who called out 'Schilt ende Vriendt! and put them to the sword. All that summer's morning, and on throughout the day, the massacre continued.