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Ha, ha, ha!” replied the Baron. “Zo instrogtion is feenished, and now goms entertainment, ha?” “With the moral always running through it, remember.” “I shall not forget.” The sunshine had brought out a great many carriages and a sprinkling of walkers along the railings. The two friends strolled among them, eyeing the women and stopping now and then to look back at a carriage.

Console yourself, my dear Baron,” his friend would reply; “they always come. That’s seldom the difficulty.” And the Baron would dally with his victuals in the most unwonted fashion, and growl at the rapidity with which the courses followed one another. “Do zey suppose ve vish to eat like——?” he began, and then laying his hand on his friend’s sleeve, he whispered, “She goms!”

You haf too leetle money and no friends and you can show. You show and I will loan you vat you vish. May I dare to suggest?” “My dear Baron!” “My goot Bonker! I am in airnest, I assure. Vy not? It is vun gentleman and anozzer.” “You are far too kind.” “It is to myself I am kind, zen. I vant a guide, a frient. It is a loan. Do not scruple. Ven your fader goms you can pay if you please.

In the first division are various goms, or Egyptian sceptres and staffs, some of ebony and some of wood; and the blade of a war-axe, with the name of Thothmes III. inscribed upon it.

To think of the Baron being here and our only finding each other out by chance!” said the Countess. “By a fortunate providence for me!” exclaimed the Baron, fervently. “Baron,” said the Countess, trying hard to look severe, “you must really keep some of these nice speeches for my daughter. Which reminds me, I wonder where she can be?” “Ach, here she goms!” cried the Baron.