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In his voice there was a sound of anxiety which she noticed. "Perhaps. I don't know." She glanced at him and away, and he thought that there was something strange in her eyes. After a pause, she said: "What would you advise?" "Surely you are happy here. And and Vere is happy." "Vere is happy yes." He realized the thoughtlessness of his first sentence. "But I must think of Vere's development.

She did not know then that one of the shrewdest scoundrels in the Western States had already commented on certain qualities betokened by that letter in Spencer's name. "I cannot refuse," she murmured. "To be candid, I don't want to refuse. What shall I do?" Bidding the servant wait, she twisted her hair into a coil, threw a wrap round her shoulders, and tapped on Mrs. de la Vere's door.

"You do come first with Vere." "If I did, Vere would confide in me rather than in any one else." As Hermione said this, all the long-contained bitterness caused by Vere's exclusion of her from the knowledge that had been freely given to Artois brimmed up suddenly in her heart, overflowed boundaries, seemed to inundate her whole being. "I do not come first," she said.

Desire had started up with the others when the sudden uproar of the storm burst upon them. Now she cried out, breaking Vere's excuse of the loss. Her small face blanched, she ran a few steps toward me. "It has come! He will die he is dying. Look, look!" "Behold! Where are their abodes? Their places are not, even as though they had not been."

The second floor of Van de Vere's looks almost like a private house a dining-room with a fine old sideboard, bedroom hung with English chintz, a living-room with books and low lamps sample rooms, of course, all of them, but with very little of the atmosphere of shop or warehouse. I met Edith in the living-room. "Hello, Edith," I said.

Indeed, she was making some such imaginative attempt as her mother was making in the house to become, in fancy at least, one with something outside of her, to be fused with the sea, as her mother desired to be fused with her. But Vere's endeavor was not tragic, like her mother's, but was almost tenderly happy. She thought she felt the sea responding to her as she responded to the sea.

She was not looking in our direction; but, as if she felt his gaze without seeing it, she turned her head slowly round and raised her eyes to his, and so they stood while you could have counted ten, staring, staring, straight into each other's eyes, and I saw the colour fade gradually out of Vere's face, as though she were frightened by what she saw. That is the way people fall in love!

The house where Will lives is nearer "The Clift" than the old home, and the two men come over often to see us. They had reconnoitred the grounds before we arrived, and knew just the nicest portions for Vere's chair for each part of the day, and Jim had noticed how she started at the sudden appearance of a newcomer, and had hit on a clever way of giving her warning of an approach.

And her eyes flashed defiantly. "She's been drinking?" thought Lady Winsleigh disgustedly. In fact, the "Vere's Own" tipple had begun to take its usual effect, which was to make the Vere herself both blatant and boisterous. "I'm sure," said her ladyship with frigid politeness, "that you are everything that is quite charming, Miss Vere!

By the levy of a fresh benevolence he was able to keep Vere's force on foot for a few months while his diplomacy was at work in Germany and at Madrid. The Palatinate indeed was lost in spite of his despatches; but he still trusted to bring about its restitution to the Elector through his influence with Spain.