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He knelt, took from his girdle-pouch a silk-wrapped something, unwound it and, still kneeling, drew out a slender poniard of gleaming white metal, hilted with the blue stones; he thrust it into O'Keefe's girdle; then gave him again the rare salute. "Come," he ordered and took us to the head of the pathway. "Now," he said grimly, "let the Silent Ones show their power if they still have it!"

"It's too beautiful to be real!" throbbed Harriet Burrell as she unwound herself from her blanket and started to replenish the fire. The coffee pot was already on the fire, supported by two stones. It was steaming and sputtering. Then, for the first time, she observed that Janus Grubb was nowhere in sight.

As he neared the climax of this dire prediction, he unwound the arm with which he held me to his side and, raising it, emphasized his words with a fierce gesture. I confess that I drew back a step, and felt a certain sensation of awe and respect, as I beheld in him the incarnation of courage and carnage.

Then, when the knight did come, at every kiss a coil of her body unwound itself, until, at the last kiss, she stood before him the beautiful lady she really was. "What a good, kind, brave knight!" said Ginevra. "But it's no true, ye ken, missie," said Nicie, anxious that she should not be misled. "It's naething but Donal's nonsense."

A crowd of children had stopped on the curbstone in front of the house, shivering a little in the pale autumn sunshine, but laughing and pushing each other as they gathered closer around the man with the hand-organ. As the wheezy notes were ground out, the man unwound the rope that was coiled around his wrist, and bade the monkey at the other end of it step out and dance. "Come on, Dago!

The reading of it declared that the Revolt had collapsed. He wound and unwound his handkerchief about his fingers mechanically: great curses were in his throat. 'I would start for South America at dawn, but for her! he said. The country of Bolivar still had its attractions for Italian youth. For a certain space Ammiani's soul was black with passion.

I took the great paw in one hand and with the other hand untied and unwound the bandage, removed the splints and felt of the injured member. As far as I could judge the bone was completely knit. The joint was stiff; when I bent it a little the brute winced but he neither growled nor tried to pull away. Very slowly and gently I rubbed the joint and applied pressure to it for a few moments.

It was the whitening of the dawn. There was no time to be lost. He swarmed up the top-gallant mast, unwound the flag, and made it fast. How it fluttered! what a rollicking tow-row! had ever flag rampaged so boisterously! The man below stopped humming. Kit could not see him; so he could not see the flag. Down he slid, the mast scraping his knees as he went; but he scarcely felt the pain.

"Oh, woman, woman! you did not burn my mother's hair!" and with a shudder Maude unwound the soft, white arm which so closely encircled her. "No, Maude, no. I couldn't. It would not leave my fingers, but coiled around them with a loving grasp. I have it now, and esteem it my choicest treasure. When I heard that you were born, my heart softened toward the young girl.

Saw me some mighty fine railroads to cut up, that time General Morgan took us on a sashay through Indiana." Kirby got to his feet and stretched. Drew unwound his own lanky length to join the other. "Maybe the old man will be leadin' us up there, too " Wilkins put away the binoculars. "Rennie, we'll move on down there and see if we can pick up any information."