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Lemme see, fifty-one an' two make fifty- three. No clip at all. Gosh! what a game, what a game! Why, there's Mandy a-sittin' up with Mis' Root. I'll jest sashay acrost the track an' give 'em my regards." Mandy was atop a red-wheeled spring wagon.

We can win a purse each week fur travelin' expenses, 'n' what we cops on the side is velvet. "'What do you want me fur? I says. "'Why, says Butsy, 'at these county fairs there ain't no bookies. They just bets from hand to hand. While me 'n' Peewee rides, you sashay out among the rubes 'n' get the coin down on whichever hoss we frames to win.

What the country needs is for some bully old bloke like Cobden or some wise guy like old Ben Franklin to sashay up to the front and biff the nigger's head with the baseball. Do you catch my smoke? What?" Rivington pulled me by the arm impatiently. "Please come on," he said. "Let's go see something. This isn't what you want." "Indeed, it is," I said resisting.

Camly prancing out of a saloon an' glooming onto a lady's hoss. What kind o' doin's is that, I'd like to know?" "You blasted idjit!" cried the worried Racey. "Whose hoss is this?" "I kind o' guessed maybe something disgraceful like this here would happen when I seen you and yore friend sashay into the Happy Heart. And the barkeep said you had two snifters and a glass o' milk, too.

Unshrinkable. This is a qvality town. If you want the best it costs a little more, but you got anyhow a suit which a man might be married in without shame, understan' me." The Arizonan backed off in apparent alarm. "Say, is this a weddin' garment you're onload'n' on me? Do I have to sashay down a church aisle and promise I do?" Mr. Bernstein explained that this was not obligatory.

It was no good trying to work up Speed on a half-mile track in the Prairie Loam. Once in a while Claudine made a bold Sashay to start something devilish, but the Fillies trained on the Farm did not seem gaited for the Grand Circuit. As for the Servant Problem, it was something ferocious.

Then Lulu Piper, what I was holdin' up all the time in a laurel bush, gets an idea, for all she was wet and draggled; and ez the things went bobbin' round, she calls out the figures o' a cotillon to 'em. 'Two camp-stools forward. 'Sashay and back to your places. 'Change partners. 'Hands all round. "She was clear grit, you bet!

"Thirty days per sashay!" grunted Hiram. "That's the way they figger it." Batson Reeves would have scrambled down from the top of the woodpile when he saw Cap'n Sproul halt Crymble in his weary labor and draw him to one side. But Hiram suggested to Mr. Reeves that he better stay up, and emphasized the suggestion by clutching a stick of stove-wood in each hand.

A lot of them fur-faced boys that hurl the merry bombs are goin' to pull off a red-flag sashay up the Avenoo. Get it? Goin' to set America free!" "I get it!" said Wilbur. "Dirty work at the crossroads," added Steve. "Say, Steve, hold it for twenty minutes, can't you? I got to see a man down here. Be good; don't hurt any one till I get back."

But when he got up on his hind legs an' begin ter sashay thet settled it. They wuz shore o' it then. "We watched ther performance fer a while, then ther Injuns got up an' begin ter mosey. In an hour thar wuzn't a Injun within twenty mile. They jest hit ther high places fer home. "Thet wuz ther way Ezra saved our party.