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"I started from his arms lest he should feel the quick beating of my heart, and replied quickly that I was not afraid. "He left me then, and I could have cried with vexation at receiving his kindness so ungraciously. What must he think of me? "While I was blaming myself and wondering how I could redeem this seeming coolness, Mrs.

"Yes, I received it at the office just as I was setting out for the Chamber. What do you want?" he asked ungraciously. She had raised her veil in order to kiss him, and approached him timidly and humbly with the air of a beaten dog. "How unkind you are to me; how harshly you speak! What have I done to you? You do not know what I have suffered for you!"

Then as if unwillingly forced to say something he did it as ungraciously as possible. "Again I say I grieve to proceed to harsh measures, but" then as she was about to interpose he broke out irritably, "God bless my soul, Mrs. Blaine, how can you expect anything else!

Mebbe I'll come and mebbe I won't," she answered, ungraciously. All that forenoon she went about her little cabin moodily, or sat silently by the open door watching the buffalo birds or larks as they came up about the barn for food. The green plain was all a-shimmer with pleasant heat.

Christina and Mercy, calling upon her one morning, were not ungraciously received, but had the misfortune to remark, trusting to her supposed ignorance of English, upon the dirtiness of her floor, they themselves having imported not a little of the moisture that had turned its surface into a muddy paste.

Swinton lying ill upstairs, and the rector shut up alone in his study. "Miss Dundas." Netty rose ungraciously, and presented a frigid hand to Dora, casting a sharp, feminine eye over the newcomer's black dress and hat, which signified that she, too, was in mourning. This Netty regarded as rather impertinent.

"But I had a little business wid Mag, an' I was kind of interested in whether she was entertainin' company or not see? I didn't know youse an' Mag was workin' together." "Mabbe," observed Jimmie Dale, as ungraciously as before, "mabbe dere's some more t'ings youse don't know!" "Aw, cough up de grouch!" advised the Magpie, with a hint of impatience creeping into his voice.

Miss Hepsy was more than annoyed. "A delicate child above all humbugs," she muttered, as she sprinkled a few drops of spring water on the girl's face, and held her smelling-salts to her nostrils. "Ye'd better go out an' get a mouthful of fresh air, I suppose," she said ungraciously when Lucy rose at last, with a faint touch of returning colour in her cheeks.

The Vicar of Kinsale was among those who went to pay their duty: he was presented by the Bishop of Chester, and was not ungraciously received, James learned that his cause was prospering. In the three southern provinces of Ireland the Protestants were disarmed, and were so effectually bowed down by terror that he had nothing to apprehend from them.

Why did you turn away so ungraciously from Mr. Skerne, while he was thanking you for having saved his brother's life? Now there's where you're too English. Can't you bear to be thanked? 'I don't want to be thanked because I can swim, said Evan. 'But it is not that. Oh, how you trifle! she cried. 'There's nothing vexes me so much as that way you have.