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Joe watched, with bulging eyes, a few shirts and several changes of underclothes come out of the box, followed by books, and more books. Martin nodded, and went on arranging the books on a kitchen table which served in the room in place of a wash-stand. "Gee!" Joe exploded, then waited in silence for the deduction to arise in his brain. At last it came.

In the back yard a clothes-line stretched between a damson and a peach tree, and on it hung forgotten some of Pansy's father's underclothes; but Nature did what she could to make the toiler's raiment look like diamonded banners, flung bravely to the breeze in honor of his new son-in-law.

Apparently each of them had in the past a romance with an accountant based on underclothes for fifty roubles, and looked for no other charm in the present but coffee, a dinner of three courses, wines, quadrilles, sleeping till two in the afternoon.... Finding no guilty smile, Vassilyev began to look whether there was not one intelligent face.

You have an appropriate garment for all occasions, instead of always being as you once were and soon will become again short of something. Altogether, there is no other word for it you are equipped. And then you feel exhilarated and responsible your jewels are still new and so is the strange, beautifully embroidered monogram on your handkerchiefs and underclothes.

The matches would be lying before him on the table, and he would see them and shout to the waiter to give him the matches; he did not hesitate to appear before a maidservant in nothing but his underclothes; he used the familiar mode of address to all footmen indiscriminately, even old men, and when he was angry called them fools and blockheads.

Peer turned up his collar against the wind, and tramped back through the town to his lodging above the carter's stable. For the lonely working boy Saturday evening is a sort of festival. He treats himself to an extra wash, gets out his clean underclothes from his chest, and changes.

Yet Daddy laughed and chatted with him as if he were nothing at all! She kept outside the circle, wondering about his socks and underclothes. His beard was much neater and better trimmed than her father's. At least no crumb or bit of cotton was in it. But Jimbo felt no awe.

It is doubtful, really, whether any of his acquaintances would have stopped to recognize him had they caught sight of the figure he made, for it is safe to say that no such spectacle had ever been seen thereabouts as our friend Pio made, attired in the Father's underclothes, adorned with a nightcap, and carrying in one hand a vast yellow umbrella and in the other a pair of slippers.

She could see her bureau drawers, her closets at home. She had thought herself not any too well off. Now, how luxurious, how stuffed with shameful, wasteful unnecessaries those drawers and closets seemed! And merely to keep herself in underclothes that were at least not in tatters she had to spend every cent over and above her board.

Pins in underclothes are not always comfortable, but our heroine was apt to be in a hurry, and to suffer the consequences in more ways than one. She made some brave resolutions now, and promised herself to look over her belongings, and to mend all that could be mended and throw away the remainder rags that very day after dinner.