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The Reader adding upon the instant, with an explanatory aside, that "Trotty was only joking," striving to console himself doubtless for the exceeding probability there was before him, at the moment, of his going, not for the first time, dinnerless.

'And you have thanked them? said the Bell. 'A thousand times! cried Trotty. 'How? 'I am a poor man, faltered Trotty, 'and could only thank them in words. 'And always so? inquired the Goblin of the Bell. 'Have you never done us wrong in words? 'No! cried Trotty eagerly. 'Never done us foul, and false, and wicked wrong, in words? pursued the Goblin of the Bell.

Under the force of this Odyssey husband and wife gradually dropped into silence, which they broke only by single words of astonishment and sympathy; while the child Trotty spooned in her pudding without seeing it, her round, solemn eyes fixed unblinkingly on this new uncle, who was like a wonderful story-book come alive.

Since his discovery of the contents of the basket, Trotty had been standing looking at her and had been speaking too in an abstracted manner, which showed that though she was the object of his thoughts and eyes, to the exclusion even of tripe, he neither saw nor thought about her as she was at that moment, but had before him some imaginary rough sketch or drama of her future life.

The child, in a burst of sobbing, clasped her round the neck; caressed her fair cheek with its hand; and said, 'Oh Meg! oh dear Meg! Toby's blessing could have done no more. Who could do more! 'Why, father! cried Meg, after a pause. 'Here I am and here I go, my dear! said Trotty. 'Good Gracious me! cried Meg. 'He's crazy!

'And to-morrow's your wedding-day, my pet! cried Trotty. 'Your real, happy wedding-day! 'To-day! cried Richard, shaking hands with him. 'To-day. The Chimes are ringing in the New Year. Hear them! They WERE ringing! Bless their sturdy hearts, they WERE ringing!

Johnny had surreptitiously entered her pantry and stolen a plateful of cakes. Taxed with the theft he denied it; and cornered, laid, Adam-like, the blame on his companion, asserting that Trotty had persuaded him to take the goodies; though bewildered innocence was writ all over the baby's chubby face. Mahony had the young sinner up before him.

'What's the matter! What's the matter! 'You're always a-being begged, and prayed, upon your bended knees you are, said the footman with great emphasis to Trotty Veck, 'to let our door-steps be. Why don't you let 'em be? CAN'T you let 'em be? 'There! That'll do, that'll do! said the gentleman. 'Halloa there! Porter! beckoning with his head to Trotty Veck. 'Come here. What's that? Your dinner?

John Millibank Turnham, one of the foremost citizens and most highly respected denizens of our marvellous metropolis, and a staunch supporter of democratic rights and the interests of our people." Polly drew a deep breath. "Do you know, Richard, I shouldn't wonder if he came to live on Ballarat I mean if he gets in. Does Trotty hear? This is Trotty's papa they're writing about in the papers.

Despite their protests they were packed like herrings in a barrel had hardly enough room to use their hands. Altogether it was a trying journey. Jinny, worked on by excitement and fatigue, took a fit of hysterics; Trotty, frightened by the many rough strangers, cried and had to be nursed; and the whole burden of the undertaking lay on Polly's shoulders.