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Johnny had surreptitiously entered her pantry and stolen a plateful of cakes. Taxed with the theft he denied it; and cornered, laid, Adam-like, the blame on his companion, asserting that Trotty had persuaded him to take the goodies; though bewildered innocence was writ all over the baby's chubby face. Mahony had the young sinner up before him.

These are crimes against men and therefore serious. This is also a sore thought! Then when men speak of these things, they throw the blame on women themselves, showing thereby that the Garden of Eden story of Adam and Eve and the apple, whether it be historically true or not, is true to life. Quite Adam-like, they throw the blame on women, and say: "Women like the man with a past.

If men would own the truth, it would not be so bad, but, Adam-like, as usual, they lay the blame on women and say: ‘Girls expect so much nowadays, it is impossible to make enough money to satisfy them.’ This is one of the many lies men tell about women, or perhaps they are under a delusion and really believe the statement to be true.

The pasha, furious at the humiliation of exposure, then threw the man into prison, and as he, Adam-like, accused his wife of concocting the charge, he ordered her also to prison for two weeks, without the slightest investigation, leaving three small children helpless. I protested, and insisted on the release of the man, who had only obeyed the wish of the pasha in making the charge against me.

We watched the peasants plowing or scattering the seed-corn, or returning, mounted side-saddle fashion on their horses, with their primitive plows reversed. Only such rich land could tolerate these Adam-like earth-scratchers.

Adam-like he said he wasn't hungry anyhow. "Then I'll take it back," said Doris sweetly, Adam-like, Pete decided that he was hungry. "Miss Gray," he blurted, "I I'm a doggone short-horn! I'm goin' to eat. I sure want to square myself." "For what?" Doris was gazing at him with a serene directness that made him feel that his clothing was several sizes too large for him.

Wheat had created Chicago and Winnipeg Adam-like from the ground; but it was rejuvenating Rosario de Santa Faust-like, with its golden elixir. It interested the man who called himself Herbert Strange resident manager of Stephens and Jarrott's great wheat business in this outlet of the great wheat provinces to watch the impulse by which Decrepitude rose and shook itself into Youth.