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But her face keeps its pale, grave look. Trixy wonders if she is not a stupid little body after all. Last of all they reach the sacred privacy of Trixy's own room, and there she displays her ball dress. She expiates on its make and its merits, in professional language, and with a volubility that makes Edith's head swim.

O dear, it was bad enough to lose one's fortune, to have one's European tour nipped in the bud, without losing Edith, just as Edith had wound her way most closely round Trixy's warm little heart. There was but one drop of honey in all the bitter cup a drop six feet high and stout in proportion Captain Angus Hammond.

And then her father narrated the discovery they had mutually made. Miss Dithy opened her bright brown eyes. "Like a chapter out of a novel where everybody turns out to be somebody else. 'It is it is it is my own, my long-lost son! And so we're second cousins, and you're Charley Stuart; and Trixy now who's Trixy?" "Trixy's my sister. How do you happen to know anything about her?"

I did want you, Dithy; it seems such ages and ages since we met, and I was troubled about you. I heard of him, you know, poor fellow." She touches timidly Edith's widow's weeds. There is no answer Edith's tears are falling. She is contrasting her own cowardice with Trixy's courage; her own hardness with Trixy's generosity. "How do you know?" she asks at length. "Captain Hammond.

Having for some minutes seen nothing of the outlaw, Haig supposed that the runaway had already reached the meadow, and was by now on the trail through the forest. But just as Trixy's shod hoofs struck the platform with a clatter, Haig caught sight of Sunnysides far out on the narrow shelf. He was trotting briskly along, for the shelf was smooth and level.

"If you start right after lunch, I'll take you out. We'll have plenty of time," he added to Honora, "to get back to Quicksands for dinner." "Are you sure?" she asked anxiously. "I have people for dinner tonight." "Oh, lots of time," declared Mrs. Kame. "Trixy's car is some unheard-of horse-power. It's only twenty-five miles to the Faunces', and you'll be back at the ferry by half-past four."

Perhaps he thought Miss Stuart had dropped some hint girls, despite their promises, have been known to do such things and this change was becoming maidenly reserve. Sir Victor liked maidenly reserve none of your Desdemonas, who meet their Othellos half way, for him. Trixy's unremitting attentions were sisterly, of course. He felt grateful accordingly, and strove to repay her in kind.

"She is a young lady this good Miss Seton?" Edith asks, with a sharp contraction of the heart. "Yes; about Trixy's age, and wonderfully clever. She writes poetry and gets paid for it, and the prettiest stories for the magazines, and is quite rich. She is one of the family now almost, very likely she will be home presently with Charley and Trix they're always together.

Both young ladies bowed both looked each other full in the face genuine admiration in Miss Seton's keen, jealous scrutiny in Lady Catheron's. She saw a girl of two or three and twenty, under-sized and rather plump, with a face which in point of beauty would not for one instant compare with her own or Trixy's either. But it was such a thoroughly good face.

Presently an endless stretch of ivied wall appears in view, inclosing a primeval forest, it seems to Edith; and Lady Helena sits up and rubs her eyes, and says it is Catheron Royals. The girl leans forward and strains her eyes, but can make out nothing in the darkness save that long line of wall and waving trees. This is to be Trixy's home, she thinks happy Trixy!