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"My ma had belong to the Cox before the Teagues owned her. The Teagues had three families of servants. "I remember them yes mam they was very saving people. They made everything that they used. The shettle, the carding machine, the spinning wheel and all, they made em. They had a carding machine different to anybodys in the country. It worked by a foot treadle.

In conclusion, I desire to thank those gentlemen at the head of the leading firms of sewing machine manufacturers for the trouble they have taken to arrange for your inspection specimens of their excellent systems, and I have much satisfaction in expressing my obligations to them for ready assistance in the preparation of my paper. Power machines and treadle machines were exhibited by Messrs.

Of course, you would accomplish more than I could, and it would be a hundred times better than stitch! stitch! How I hate the whir of the thing!" And Bernard, with his juggler gift of mimicry, proceeded forthwith to turn himself into a sewing-machine, jerking his feet up and down in imitation of the motion of the treadle, and making an odd noise in his throat. Mrs.

He had given a degree of natural sympathy, and this was an English chap's idea of a joke. "I'm the Prince of Wales, myself," he remarked, "and my mother's expecting me to lunch at Windsor. So long, me lord," and he set his foot on the treadle. Mount Dunstan rose, feeling rather awkward. The point seemed somewhat difficult to contend.

The parlor was red in the fading light, and the hall beyond the sliding doors was deeply shadowed. In the sewing room, he remembered, in the drawers of the treadle machine the radio was captured. The rings and secret manuals of the days when radio had been alive. He hadn't looked over those things in some little time. He looked up the shadowed stairway.

Why, I heard the little squeak of the treadle as plainly as anything." "You have been dreaming, you little silly!" "No, I haven't! What I say is quite true." There was something in the speaker's tone which showed that she was very much in earnest. "And you mean to say that you've been all the way downstairs?" "Yes; I went to the yard door.

The creak of the treadle, and the thump, thump of the batten, punctuated, as it were, her consolatory disquisition. Her son looked at her in great depression of spirit as she threw the shuttle back and forth with deft, practiced hands. "Wild meat air a mighty savin'," she continued, with a housewifely afterthought. "I ain't denyin' that." Thump, thump, went the batten.

Looking in the cottages you may see, generally within a few feet of the door, one of those ingenious weaving machines that are worked with a treadle, and take up scarcely any space at all.

And then they'd start to work again. Shut down? The idea! Isak is suddenly lost in wonder and delight over a little machine that works with a treadle simply move your foot and it works. He understands it at once 'tis a little smithy to carry about on a cart and take down and set up anywhere you please. "What's a thing like that cost, now?" he asks. "That? Portable forge? Oh, nothing much."

"Do you mean to say," asked Aunt Martha, "that you willingly and premeditatedly became a thief and midnight robber?" "That's what I am, ma'am," said he; "I don't make no bones about it. I'm a number one, double-extra, back-springed, copper-fastened burglar, with all the attachments and noiseless treadle. That's what I am, and no mistake.