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The smart little toque of blue satin she wore was crushed to one side. How red were her lips as she threw back her head.... "Silk or cotton, boss? Which you like?" Roger glanced at the shoe strings and pondered. "Silk," he grunted in reply. Idly for a moment he watched this busy little man. From whence had he come in far away Greece?

There were three hats to match it, and she tried on each, to the surprise of her maid, who usually found her easy to please. She finally decided upon a small toque which was made to set well back from her face into the heavy waves of her hair. She was too wise to wear a veil, for her complexion was flawless, her forehead low and full, and her hair arranged loosely about it; she wore no fringe.

'What is this? he asked, holding up a little lady in hunting costume of amaranth and gold with a toque and plume of white feathers. 'That is for the Empress's hunt, Sire. 'You should have the waist rather lower, said Napoleon, who had very definite opinions about ladies' dresses. 'These cursed fashions seem to be the only thing in my dominions which I cannot regulate.

She turned like some vengeful, malign goddess, and I thought it all up with the daring trapper; but he doffed his red toque and swept the advancing fury the low bow of a French courtier. Then he drew himself erect and laughed insolently in the woman's face. His careless assurance allayed her suspicions. "Oh, 'tis you!" she growled.

Although the voice is a bit cracked. Now dance. Lumber across the stage in your purple tights, wiggle around in your sultana's toque. That's the baby. And kick your legs at us as you exit. Ah, what a kick! But never mind. It is quite good enough for us. And it reminds us. We applaud. Does the noise sound ghastly? What is it we applaud? God knows. But applause is a habit. One applauds in a theater.

"Yes, indeed, she is," I said. "Of course she is extra interested in you if she was in love with your father. So that is all right, darling; she must know all about your family, and can tell Torquilstone. Why, we have nothing to fear!" "Oh yes, we have," I said. "I know all the story of what your brother is toqué about. Lady Ver told me.

"I simply shouldn't have known you, Wendy," said Jess. "How did you make yourself so fat?" "I'm stuffed out with all sorts of things," laughed Wendy. "Vests, and nightdresses, and stockings, and anything we could lay our hands on. I'm specially padded over the shoulders. The toque is one of Diana's hats turned inside out with some feathers pinned on. The tooth?

Her cloth costume, which displayed to advantage her slender waist and graceful bust, was of simple but elegant cut, and was adorned with superb trimmings of black fox, which matched her toque and a little satin-lined muff, which from time to time she raised to her cheek to ward off the biting wind.

In addition to this, in order to be still more like a jockey, she had stuck a blue toque with a white feather jauntily upon her chignon, the fair tresses from which flowed down beyond her shoulders and resembled an enormous russet pigtail. Twelve struck. The public would have to wait more than three hours for the Grand Prix to be run.

The cake was distributed, and the vexed but vanquished morning caller jabbed a hat-pin through her rusty toque and pulled her jet-trimmed shoulder cape tightly over her back, before bowing haughtily to Mrs. Brewster. Not until the ranch-wagon turned the edge of Rainbow Cliffs did Mrs.