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There he wrote "Louis Lambert" as a last farewell to Madame de Berny; and in memory of his ten years' intimacy with her, on the title-page were the dates 1822 and 1832, and underneath the words "Et nunc et semper."

The margin of the manuscript bore as motto a variation of the well- known lines from Faust: "Thou supersensual sensual woer A woman leads you by the nose." I turned the title-page and read: "What follows has been compiled from my diary of that period, because it is impossible ever frankly to write of one's past, but in this way everything retains its fresh colors, the colors of the present."

I have given her an empty scribbling diary we found in your desk, and most of her spare time she remains shut up with it in the bedroom. She tells me you and she are writing a book together. I asked her what about. She waved me aside with the assurance that I would know 'all in good time, and that it was going to do good. I caught sight of just the title-page last night.

So he adorned his title-page with an emblem of freedom, a broad-brimmed hat and a feather upon a pole, and began his treatise with a bugle-blast that left no doubt of his purpose: 'I have thought it worth while to set up before the world this fair monument of civic strength, in order to waken in the breast of my people a joyous self-consciousness, and to give a fresh and pertinent example of what men may venture for a good cause and may accomplish by united action.

Carey waited to see whether an English botanist would publish the fruit of thirty years' labour of his friend in the description of more than 2000 plants, natives of Eastern Asia. At his own risk he then, in 1820, undertook this publication, or the Flora Indica, placing on the title-page, "All Thy works praise Thee, O Lord David."

In spite of the fact that "Translated from the French" appeared on the title-page, Mrs. Haywood has hitherto been accredited with the full authorship of these letters. They were really a loose translation of Lettres Nouvelles.... Avec Treize Lettres Amoureuses d'une Dame

Professor Bateson summed up his belief in the text which he placed on the title-page of his first great work on Variation: the text which proclaims that there is a flesh of men, another of beasts, another of birds, another of fishes.

Or from the title-page of his Male Dicis this consequence will be as good,—that Mr Coleman is the only man that blesseth; others are revilers.

"Why, Therese," cried her father, "you read the title without turning to the title-page." "I saw the piece when it was handed to you by Ritter Gluck." "You are acquainted with Gluck?" asked Von Paradies. "He has never been to our house." "I have seen him at Doctor Mesmer's," replied Therese. "Ah, indeed!

In the year 1836 there was published in Boston a little book of less than a hundred very small pages, entitled "Nature." It bore no name on its title-page, but was at once attributed to its real author, Ralph Waldo Emerson. The Emersonian adept will pardon me for burdening this beautiful Essay with a commentary which is worse than superfluous for him.