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At Heidelberg, which he called "ein ganzes Paradies von Natur," he spent one of the happiest years of his life. Student life at this town he thus compares with Leipsic: "In and near Heidelberg the student is the most prominent and respected individual, since it is he who supports the town, so that the citizens and Philistines are naturally excessively courteous.

You shall be under my wife's care, and will remain with us until your eyes are fortified against nervous impressions. The carriage is at the door." "I am ready to go," replied Therese joyfully. "I will not suffer her to leave the house!" cried Von Paradies, striding angrily forward. "Therese is my daughter, and shall not be torn from her father's protection."

There was a pause, then a voice, tremulous with emotion, said, "No, it is no longer the funeral march; it is now a beautiful arrangement from 'Orpheus." Herr von Paradies, with an expression of profoundest anguish, threw his arm around his daughter, exclaiming, "Oh, my beloved child, it is then as I feared! We have been deceived, and you are blind for life."

Therese von Paradies is blind, and no one shall prove to me that she can see. Come to my study, and let us talk this provoking matter over." Meanwhile, Therese was receiving the congratulations of her friends.

"Go but first put down Therese." "No you shall not deprive her of the sight I have bestowed." With these words, he raised his muscular right arm, and swinging off Von Paradies as if he had been a child, Mesmer passed the opening and stood outside. "Farewell, and fear nothing," cried he, "for your pension will not be withdrawn. Therese is once more blind.

Treat the whole thing as a farce, and maintain, in the face of all opposition, that Therese von Paradies is still blind." "But, my honored friend, unhappily for us all, you have made this impracticable by your awkward enthusiasm." "I spoke ironically, and the ass mistook sarcasm for conviction." "Yes, and so did everybody else." sighed Hell.

The name Marduk appears here under the ideographic designation Tutu. The identification with Marduk may be due to later traditions. I.e., inner side. The name of the cave underneath the earth where the dead dwell. See above, p. 443. See, e.g., Jeremias' Izdubar-Nimrod, p. 28. See the passages in Delitzsch, Wo Lag das Paradies, pp. 242, 243.

Burned with the palace of Persepolis which Alexander, the Great Sinner, in a drunken orgy, destroyed only fragments of the fargards remain. These tell of creation, effected in six epochs, and of a pairi-daêza. Delitzsch voluminously asked: Wo lag das Paradies? There it is. There is the primal paradise.

But the next afternoon found him again at the public piano, devoting all the magic of his genius to charming a contemptible Christendom. He gave them Beethoven and Bach, Paradies and Tschaikowski, unrolled to them the vast treasures of his art and memory. And very soon, lo! the Christian rats were pattering back again, only more wisely and cautiously.

Why do you torture our little Therese so cruelly? You know that she sees; why, then, do you " "Peace!" interrupted Von Paradies angrily. "If Therese does not become blind again, we shall lose our pension." "My poor child," sobbed the mother, "you are lost!" "I have come to your help, Therese," said Mesmer audibly.