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Come with me, Meg, a little stroll will do us good'; and sticking Ted's straw hat on her head, Mrs Jo walked off with her sister, leaving Daisy to attend to the muffins, Ted to appease Josie, and Tom and Nan to give their respective patients a very bad quarter of an hour.

Ted's interest was not divided, however, except in rare moments when he would turn to his mother and accuse her of lack of interest. She would flush guiltily and pretend that she was interested.

I swam ahead, pushing it with one hand, while Ted shoved from behind. Our clothes were kept dry, and we dragged the gate up on the bank. We hope the farmer found it, and also hope he thought it was an early Hallowe'en joke! That day, August 31st, we took refuge in the broom, which was still showing its yellow blossom, and, as the, sun came out occasionally, we lit our pipes with Ted's sun-glass.

She paused a moment aghast at the sight of the struggling gander, still enveloped in Ted's coat, and then, with extended hands and wildly-flapping drapery, hastened towards him her aspect being not unlike that assumed by the unfortunate biped in question when he had first advanced to the attack. "Victoria!" she gasped, when she at last halted beside the men. "Eh! whatever's getten Victoria?"

"Oh, Jim, that's awful!" said his aunt, horrified. "Well, it may come to nothing. Ted's only twenty I hope devoutly it will. There that's all the news!" Jim jumped up from his chair, and gave his aunt a kiss. "Why don't you come over and get it for yourself, now and then! I don't know how much there is in any of this stuff, because I use my rooms at the club a good deal, but it's all in the wind.

When Ted was through he placed his hand on Ted's shoulder and said, quietly and very impressively, to him: "I simply can't tell you the things I long to say. You're going to be a man, my boy! This is a day's work of which you will always be proud. "Knowing what we know, we can go to sleep tonight, awake in the morning with a plan as to just what we will do. I could almost cry with contentment.

These notes were feeble and faltering, as though the player were practising an unfamiliar air; in another moment or two it became evident that the sounds proceeded from Ted's cottage, and that the musician was no other than Mr. Wharton himself.

This presently attracted Will's attention. "What have you, young one, been up to now?" he queried, in a tone half amused and half rebuking. Ted's eyes sparkled mischievously. "O, nothing much!" said he, bending his curly head over the remains of a bird's egg, which he suddenly discovered in the grass. But his denial was not intended to deny so much as to provoke further inquiry.

Pirouetting before me, she led the way, and we went down the long steep stairs. A shout greeted her appearance in the doorway. "Oh, Vicky, we have missed you! Come over here and listen to Ted's latest old joke!" "No, come over here and hear this awful gossip Ariadne is telling for solemn truth. It's the very worst taradiddle she ever got off!"

"Look, I'm moving and I'm not paddling at all!" She surely was. In her boat she was sailing right across the little cove, and, as Ted had said, there was not enough wind to blow a feather, to say nothing of a heavy box with a little girl in it. "Isn't it queer!" exclaimed Janet. "What makes me go this way, Ted? You aren't sailing." Ted's boat was not moving now, for he had stopped paddling.