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"Ain't no harm in a man doing his best for his-elf, guv'nor, I hope," said the would-be informant. "If I don't look after myself, who's a-going to look after me I asks you that, now?" "And I ask you how much?" said Triffitt. "Out with it!" The taxi-cab driver considered, eyeing his prospective customer furtively. "The other gent told you what it is I can tell, guv'nor?" he said at last.

Perrigo, with some present reward in her pocket, was walking quietly up Whitehall with a composed countenance, while Allerdyke, already late for his Gresham Street appointment, sped towards the City as fast as a hastily chartered taxi-cab could carry him. And all the way thither, being alone, he repeated certain words over and over again.

Birkin shut himself together he was in now. The two men went together in a taxi-cab. 'Don't you feel like one of the damned? asked Birkin, as they sat in a little, swiftly-running enclosure, and watched the hideous great street. 'No, laughed Gerald. 'It is real death, said Birkin. They met again in the cafe several hours later.

"It is now just about half past eleven. Very well. I shall meet you and Miss Martin at Mr. Martin's store directly." It lacked five minutes of noon when Kennedy and I dashed up before Martin's and dismissed our taxi-cab. A remarkable scene greeted us as we entered the famous jewelry shop. Involuntarily I drew back. Squarely in front of us a man had suddenly raised a revolver and leveled it at us.

And when he came to one headed "Mystery of a Taxi-cab," he absent-mindedly began to read it also. But he had not gone very far when his manner changed. Starting to his feet, he stared at the column with horror-stricken eyes, while his face grew pallid and his pipe dropped to the floor from his open mouth.

Not so much so, in fact. You see " But at that moment a taxi-cab came speeding round the corner, and from it presently emerged Carver and Davidge. The detective, phlegmatic, quiet as ever, nodded familiarly to Triffitt and lifted his hat to Trixie. "Evening, Mr. Triffitt," he said quietly.

It was a wireless, handed in on board the White Star liner Olympic, and it ran as follows: Remember. Death to the Family. Ginger sat down heavily on the bed. The driver of the taxi-cab which at twenty-five minutes past seven drew up at the dingy door of Bleke's Coffee House in the Strand was rather struck by his fare's manner and appearance.

"I suppose he's at his old quarters the 'Angel. But I haven't seen him; neither had Rothwell we've both been too busy to call there. I expect he came on to the 'Angel' from Northborough yesterday." Jerramy opened the half-door, and going out to the end of the passage, looked up and down the street. "There's a taxi-cab coming round the corner now," he announced presently.

We shan't have time to see much of Paris if we just stay the night there, but as we drive through in a taxi-cab we can see how full of life it is, though at this time of the year people do not sit out at the little tables on the pavements late in the evening as they do in the summer.

Rathbury laughed. "Well, we may find out something about this scrap of paper," he observed. And he waved a signal to the nearest taxi-cab driver.