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"But I think we Venetians are never so conscious of the beauty of Venice as you strangers are." "I don't know. I only know that now, since we tave made up our minds to go, and fixed the day and hour, it is more like leaving my own country than anything else I've ever felt.

Octavius muttered: "I told you so. You might have known you couldn't milk steady like that without getting all tuckered out." Champney stepped forward quickly. "Right you are, Tave, every time. How are you, dear old chap?" He held out his hand. "Champ Champney why " he stammered rather than spoke. "It's I, Tave; the same old sixpence. Have I changed so much?" "Changed? I should say so!

Again he held out his shapely well-kept members, and Aileen with a merry laugh brought her grimy sticky little paws into view and, without a word, laid them in Champney's palms. He held them close, purposely, that they might adhere and provide him with some fun; then, breaking into his gay laugh he said: "Clear out, Roman; Tave 'll be looking for the milk pails.

"It's a mighty poor manager that isn't able to absorb the boss's business if you give him time." "Why were you working down here?" pursued Octavia still struggling after the key to the riddle of Teddy. "To tell the truth, 'Tave," said Teddy, with quiet candour, "it wasn't for the salary. That about kept me in cigars and sunburn lotions. I was sent south by my doctor.

Say that I sent you, and there should be no difficulty." Precisely at midnight the train started. Quickly gathering speed, it ran through the tumbledown suburbs of the city and rumbled across the iron bridge that spans the Tave River. In twenty minutes it was at Semlin, and Austrian officials were examining passports.

"All the old ones included, I see, Colonel," he ran over the names, "Quimber, Tave, Elmer Wiggins, Emlie, Poggi and Caukins" he laughed outright; "that's a good firm, Colonel," he said slyly, and the Colonel smiled his appreciation of the gentle insinuation "the manager at the sheds, and the new boss of the Upper Quarry?" He looked inquiringly at the Colonel on reading the last name.

At this second speech Aileen stared harder than ever; then going up to him and throwing an arm around his neck, she whispered: "Tave, dear, are you mad with me? What have I done? Is it really anything so awful?" Her distress was so unfeigned that Octavius, not being a woman, comforted her by telling her he was a great botcher. Inwardly he cursed himself for an A No. 1 fool.

Don't you grieve yourself to death, Mis' Googe," she said tenderly. "Don't wait to harness into the carryall, Tave take me now in the trap take me away from here. I don't need you, Hannah. I didn't know I was so weak the air will make me feel better; give me my cloak, Aileen." The girl wrapped her in it, adjusted the burnous, that had fallen from her head, and went with her to the door.

I heerd Aileen hed ben goin' up thar purty reg'lar lately for French an' sich; guess Mis' Champney's done 'bout the right thing by her, eh, Tave?" Octavius nodded. "And Aileen's done the right thing by Mrs. Champney. 'T isn't every young girl that would stick to it as Aileen's done the last six years not in the circumstances." "You're right, Tave.

"I've got to go, Champ; she wants me." Champney seized him with a strong hand by the suspenders. "Here, hold on! Who, you gump?" "The girl le' me go." But Champney gripped him fast. "No, you don't, Roman; let her yell." "Ro man zo-o-o-o!" The range of this peremptory call was two octaves at least. "By gum she's up to something, and Tave won't stand any more fooling le' me go!"