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Updated: July 31, 2024

Now Sharrkan tare through rank and row and raged among the masses of the foe, fighting so fierce a fight as to make children grey grow; nor did he cease tourneying among the infidel horde and working havoc among them with the keen edged sword, shouting "Allaho Akbar!"

"Halloo! wot do you want?" exclaimed the curtain-raiser. "Eh! tare an' ages!" cried Larry, in amazement. "May I niver! Sure it's draimin' I am; an' the ghost o' Bill Jones is comed to see me!" It was, indeed, no other than Bill Jones who stood revealed before him; but no friendly glance of recognition did his old comrade vouchsafe him.

But the almost uninjured railway trucks that had run their little race, down embankments into the bush, were saved to run again. Into Morogoro station steamed the trains with the German lettering and freight and tare directions, carefully undisturbed, printed on their sides.

What would I not give for that dear little paper-bound quarto, in large and most legible type, on certain pages of which the tender hand that was the shield of my infancy had crossed out with deep black marks something awful, probably about BEARS, such as once tare two-and-forty of us little folks for making faces, and the very name of which made us hide our heads under the bedclothes.

Poppy, which means a tare, I am, to my own dear young ladies. Oh dear! oh dear! they're calling me it's Sarah Matilda this time. Good-bye until to-morrow, dear Miss Primrose." When Primrose went home and told her sisters and Miss Egerton what she had done, Jasmine's eyes had grown first bright, and then misty. "To be continual reader to Mrs. Mortlock!" she exclaimed.

"Johnny, dirty boy! what HAVE you been up to?" "He played he was a digger and sat down in a pool I couldn't get him to budge," answered Jerry, and drew his sleeve over his perspiring forehead. "Oh fy, for shame!" "Don' care!" said John, unabashed. "Don' tare!" echoed his roly-poly sister, who existed but as his shadow.

"And yet many brave men fall back at the sight of that black face, which never changes, which is just like steel and which they fancy neither sword nor bullet can hurt; but my nails have torn his body and I have seen his blood flow." "Say where he is!" "Close at hand." "In which direction?" "Ah! Domnule!" sighed Juon Tare, "how can I answer that, I who can see neither heaven nor earth?"

He had seen Doris for a few minutes on several occasions and had not a very exalted opinion of a girl who could only cipher in addition, while he was over in interest and tare and tret. To be sure he could neither read nor talk French. This year he had gone to the Latin school. He hadn't a very high opinion of Latin, and he did not want to go to college.

As to frivolity, if it causes fools to proclaim you a charming man, others who are accustomed to judge of men's capacities and fathom character, will winnow out your tare and bring you to disrepute, for frivolity is the resource of weak natures, and weakness is soon appraised in a society which regards its members as nothing more than organs and perhaps justly, for nature herself puts to death imperfect beings.

He had cleansed his own parish, as he thought, by pulling up the tare, contrary to commandment, and throwing it into his neighbours, where it had taken root, and grown a worse tare than before; until at length, she who had been so careful over the manners and morals of her drunkards, was a drunkard herself and a wanderer, with the reputation of being a far worse woman than she really was.

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