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Then, too, most of the books were in the back room, and so was the sofa: altogether it looked as if Mrs. Tarbell were the senior. Mr. Juddson was thinking seriously of having another partition built, and that would at any rate save him from being asked "if Mr. Juddson were in," for, as every one knows, there is a vast difference between being asked "if Mr. Juddson be in," and "is this Mr.

She ought to send for her own doctor as soon as she gets home. I suppose will you ?" He looked at Mrs. Tarbell doubtfully, as if wondering whether he ought to take it for granted that she was in charge of the case. "I will tell her," said Mrs. Tarbell. "I could tell her myself," said the doctor. "To be sure.

Then they all started talking together, and 'arf-a- dozen times or more Miss Lamb called me to back 'er up in wot she was saying, but I only shook my 'ead, and at last, arter tossing her 'ead at Cap'n Tarbell and telling 'im she wouldn't 'ave 'im if he'd got fifty million a year, the five of 'em 'eld my missis while she went off.

Tarbell?" he questioned, as he opened the gate; and without waiting for an answer, he went on: "I've come to thank you for getting my dog away from those scoundrels at the City Hall. They had the decency to tell me where to look for you." "Oh, pray don't mention it!" said little Mrs. Nancy, with old-fashioned courtesy. "Not mention it!" cried her visitor. "It was the kindest thing I ever heard of.

He rallied his forces, and returned to his law, his surveying, his politics. He brought to his work a new power, that insight and patience which only a great sorrow can give. DELPHOS, KANSAS, December 6, 1895. MISS TARBELL: In reply to your letter of recent date inquiring about the incident of my childhood and connected with Mr.

Her dress bagged about over her long waist and spidery arms. No wonder Mrs. Tarbell shuddered. "If I ain't disturbing you, Mrs. Tarbell," the visitor continued, "and if you could just spare the time to listen to me for a minnit, I wanted just to ask you for a little advice. My name is Stiles, ma'am, Mrs. Annette Gorsley Stiles.

Her name and address were duly entered on the books. Then her agitated little beneficiary was untied from the chair leg, the rope which bound him was put into her hands, and with a polite courtesy Mrs. Tarbell turned to go. By a sudden impulse one of the rough-looking men got up from his chair, and, taking his hat off, opened the door.

Tarbell sat in her office, pretending to read a law-journal, but really looking at her name on the office door; and she was not without justification, perhaps, seeing that it had taken her six years to get it there. Furthermore, though it was six weeks since it had been lettered upon the glass panel, she had as yet found nothing to do but look at it.

"They gave 'er ten minutes' start, and then Cap'n Tarbell, arter looking at me and shaking his 'ead, said he was afraid they must be going. "'And I 'ope this night'll be a lesson to you, he ses. 'Don't neglect your dooty again. I shall keep my eye on you, and if you be'ave yourself I sha'n't say anything.

Raleigh, following him, and, meeting Captain Tarbell at the companion-way, the three descended together. Mr. Raleigh was absent some fifteen minutes, at the end of that time rejoining Mademoiselle Le Blanc. "I did not mean to make fun of you," said he, resuming the conversation as if there had been no interruption. "I was watching the foam the Osprey makes in her speed, which certainly burns blue.