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And thus for a minute they swayed about, scratching, tearing, biting, sweat and blood pouring down their faces, and their eyes fixed on one another, bloodshot and full of rage. The audience shouted and cheered and clapped their hands. 'Wot the 'ell's up 'ere? 'I sy, look there, said some of the women in a whisper. 'It's the 'usbind! He stood on tiptoe and looked over the crowd.

Dean's face usually was about as expressive as the turtle's, it woke and warmed with the affection which his daughter had fostered till no amount of flannel could extinguish it. His big hand patted her cheek very gently as he said, in a tone of fatherly love and pride, "My little Sy never forgets old father, does she?" "Good gracious me, my dear, there's such a mess in the kitchen!

'Leave go my 'and. And she beat down on his with her closed fist. 'Liza! he said, at last. 'Well, wot is it? she answered, still thumping down on his hand with her fist. 'Liza, he said a whisper, 'will yer? 'Will I wot? she said, looking down. 'You know, Liza. Sy, will yer? 'Na, she said. He bent over her and repeated 'Will yer? She did not speak, but kept beating down on his hand.

'I've been very unfortunate of lite, remarked Mrs. Hodges, as she licked her lips, 'this mikes the second death I've 'ad in the last ten days women, I mean, of course I don't count bibies. 'Yer don't sy so. 'Of course the other one well, she was only a prostitute, so it didn't so much matter. It ain't like another woman is it? 'Na, you're right.

Then the fielders interposed. 'I sy, look 'ere, 'e's only givin' 'er lobs; 'e's not tryin' ter git 'er aht. 'You're spoilin' our gime. 'I don't care; I've got twenty runs thet's more than you could do. I'll go aht now of my own accord, so there! Come on, Tom.

"You make me so happy, Sy, I wouldn't mind the pain if I could stay a little longer. But if I can't, good-by, dear, good-by." Her last look and word and kiss were all for Psyche, who felt then with grateful tears that her summer had not been wasted; for the smile upon the little dead face was more to her than any marble perfection her hands could have carved.

And the nurse replied, with medals shaking: "I'm claiming, as I've said before, two weeks' salary in loo of notice, and my fare home from France; twenty-five francs salary and ninety-five francs expenses. And I sy nothing of excess luggage." "But you didn't come home." "I have come home, though."

I like more of a fancy style." "I see you do," said Miss Bishop solemnly. "Yes, that's because she's a bit of a fancy article herself," murmured a voice from the back drawing-room, where Mr. Spinks had concealed himself behind a curtain, and now listened with a voluptuous sense of unlawful initiation. "I sy, we shall have to stop, if he will keep on listening that wy."

'Wot d'yer mean by thet? she said; 'd'yer think I'm kiddin'? 'Kiddin'? No! You've only just come up from the country, ain't yer? 'Think I'm kidding? What d'yer think I want ter kid for? Liars never believe anyone, thet's fact. 'Na then, Liza, don't be saucy. 'Saucy! I'll smack yer in the eye if yer sy much ter me.

It was strange how the spaceship Sam Collins was on crashed right into his house. Ed Michaels recalled a time in a tornado when Sy Baxter's car was picked up, lifted across town and dropped into his living room. When the men from the spaceport lifted away tons of rubble, they found him and said, "He's dead." No, I'm not, Collins thought. I'm alive.