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"What we suffer from in this country is information," said Warrington, beginning to hum to himself. But Kirby signed to the trooper, and the man began to scramble out of the cart. "Between now and our return, report to the club if anything happens," called Warrington. The whip swished, the horse shot forward, and they were off again as if they would catch up with the hurrying seconds.

He did not try to talk, but he freed his companion's hand and put his arm about her when they came to the level ground, so that she was sheltered by him from the beat of the storm. Then brush swished in their faces, and they stopped, waiting for the lightning again. Kent was not anxious for it to come.

The wicked steel merely swished through the space he'd just left and before Uncle could get in another swing something heavy landed on him and he was being gripped in four places. Before the old boy knew what was happening, too, that yellow sash had been unwound and he'd been tied up as neat as an express package.

Neither showed any disposition to exercise that gift of speech which places Man in a class of his own, above the ox, the ass, the common wart-hog, and the rest of the lower animals. It was only when a wave swished over the base of her rock that Mary broke the silence. 'The tide is coming in' she faltered. She looked at the sea with such altered feelings that it seemed a different sea altogether.

Gentlemen," he turned to the party at the table, "this is a quiet house, a quiet house in general, but " "Tut-tut!" said the vintner good-naturedly. "We'll drink a cup with the gentleman if he wishes it!" "You'll drink or be pricked!" quoth Messer Grio; he was one of those who grow offensive in their cups. And while his friends laughed, he swished out a sword of huge length, and flourished it.

My feet swished aloud groggily in his burnished putties; his garments hung round me in ample, rather than graceful, folds. However, the loose cape of horizon blue resembled charity in covering defects. As a dummy, sitting motionless in the rear of the automobile, my captors felt that I would pass. By this time I was enchanted with the plans I was concocting.

Baldos observed with a thrill of delight that a certain red feather stood up defiantly from the band of her sailor hat. He liked the way her dark-blue walking-skirt swished in harmony with her lithe, firm strides. She was quite near before he advanced from his place among the trees. He did not expect her to exhibit surprise or confusion and he was not disappointed.

Conversation lagged as the boys took in the scenes about them; and there was little more talk during the trip. They stopped more than once, and, loitering along, it was dark when they neared their destination. As they would have drawn up to the wharf there was a sudden flash of light gone in a moment followed by a dark body that swished by them like a flash.

The knowledge of the precipice behind must have affected me. Explain it as you will, several times during that descent I felt my brain slip away from my control, and suggest a desire to fling myself over backwards. The twigs of the bushes, growing a little below the outer edge of the path, swished at my calves. Castro stopped. The cornice ended as a broken stairway hangs upon nothing.

"There's the end of the act, madam," the young woman remarked at last encouragingly. "All right," Poppy answered. "Go straight away and bring the gentleman here to me. I'm in a hurry. I want to get home." The glass doors of the exits swished back and forth, letting out the confused stir and murmur of the house, letting out a crowd of men as well.