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There's plenty amiss with me, for I've had nothing to eat or drink since yesterday, and I haven't brass to buy anything with." "Ah, I see. I suppose you mean by that foreign lingo that you haven't a shot in your locker, and you want a bit of summut to stow away in your hold." "I mean," replied the lad, rather sulkily, "that I'm almost starved to death." "Well, it's no odds," cried the other.

"You might ha' letten me do the jelly; I'se warrant I could ha' pleased Ruth as well as you. If I had but known he was coming, I'd ha' slipped round the corner and bought ye a neck-ribbon, or summut to lighten ye up. I'se loath he should think I'm living with Dissenters, that don't know how to keep themselves trig and smart." "Never mind, Sally; he never thought of me.

A brief glance showed me that the assemblage was summut mixed. There was a great many ragged boys, and there was quite a number of grown-up persons evigently under the affluence of the intoxicatin bole. The Band was also drunk. Dr. Schwazey, who was holdin up a post, seemed to be partic'ly drunk so much so that it had got into his spectacles, which were staggerin wildly over his nose.

'Well, well! said Kester, not looking up at her, for he caught the inflections in the tones of her voice. 'He were a fine stirrin' chap, yon; an' he were allays for doin' summut; an' when he fund as he couldn't ha' one thing as he'd set his mind on, a reckon he thought he mun put up wi' another. 'It 'ud be no "putting up," said Sylvia.

"Then tell the gentleman who the villain was; for I believe you know." "I'll tell 'em summut about it." Grotait turned pale; but still kept his glittering eye fixed on the sick man. "The job was offered to me; but I wouldn't be in it. I know that much. Says I, 'He has had his squeak." "Who offered you the job?" asked Mr. Holdfast. And at this moment Ransome came in.

'Ah! now, then, said Jack, in a tone of disgust, 'we must say summut handsome of Bragg; and of all conceited animals under the sun, he certainly is the most conceited. I never saw such a man! How that unfortunate, infatuated master of his keeps him, I can't for the life of me imagine. Master! faith, Bragg's the master, continued Jack, who now began to foam at the mouth.

"It seems to me," she added, "that there is nought in all the world like the music of a grand voice like yours, Hester. It's the only beautiful thing I ha' met your voice and Will's; they are just grand and summut to be thanked for. Well, I am obliged to you both; but I must say 'goodnight' now, for it is time for me to be going."

It was a large hunch of bread, but it vanished in an instant. "We mun do summut for 'em," said he to Wilson. "Yo stop here, and I'll be back in half-an-hour." So he strode, and ran, and hurried home. He emptied into the ever-useful pocket-handkerchief the little meal remaining in the mug. Mary would have her tea at Miss Simmonds'; her food for the day was safe.

"There she is, blowing off her steam, or her funnel smoking, quite plain!" "Lor', Master Bob!" ejaculated the other, after peering fixedly for a moment where his companion directed him to look. "That arn't no steam or smoke as ever I seed. It be a cloud, or fog, I knows; or summut o' that sort, sure-ly, Master Bob!"

All would then be clear and above board; and we should all a know who and who was together. That would be summut! We might then a be happen to raise the wind; and the wherewithalls might a be forth cummin. And so, as matters and thinks is likely to turn out, to be sure I must say that your onnur has a hit the nail on the head.