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She had her father's strongly emotional nature, with her mother's stubbornness; and Preston Cheney's romantic tendencies were repeated in his daughter, without his reasoning powers. Added to her father's lack of self-control in any strife with his passions, Alice possessed her mother's hysterical nerves.

They would not yield, and told him "that they had rather the French should conquer them than give up their privileges." "Truly," remarks Dinwiddie, "I think they have given their senses a long holiday." Colonial Records of Pa., VI. 22-26. New York was not much behind her sisters in contentious stubbornness.

It is possible, that I may be more unhappy from the due observation of the good doctor's general precept, than were I to yield the point; since what I call steadiness is deemed stubbornness, obstinacy, prepossession, by those who have a right to put what interpretation they please upon my conduct.

"Bill said to me, when he went down, says he: 'You don't let any one come below. Understand? I don't care if it's Townsend himself. Nobody comes down. You hold the cage, because I'll send the shift up, and 'tend to the firing myself." For an instant Dick was enraged by this stubbornness, and turned with a threat, and said: "Who's running this mine? I don't care what he said.

Thereupon the staff of the commission was changed and new members were substituted for the old. But that was not enough. The British Premier still encountered such opposition among his foreign colleagues that it was only by dint of wordy warfare and stubbornness that he finally won his point.

Here was Gypsy, whose stubbornness had begun it all, suddenly soft as silk; and there was the wasp, who had brought on the horrendous climax, suddenly and mysteriously vanished. Of course Missy was glad the wasp was gone otherwise she might have stood there, dying of shame, till she did die of shame yet the sudden solution of her dilemma made her feel in another way absurd.

That was his answer, no sooner made than contradicted, no sooner contradicted than to be restated, "I do nothing because I will do nothing." Several times he refused to go with them on tramps or skiing trips. When they were gone he would revile himself for his stubbornness and ache because Claire could not see that he had refused with a petulant boy's hope that she would stay with him.

Driscoll's bemused mind could not grasp the thought of duty that demanded self-sacrifice, but he had animal courage and stubbornness. He would carry out what he had undertaken. Moreover, he might have animal cunning without having cultivated intelligence, and his strength and resolution made him dangerous.

'Oh, this will never work. She sat there on the stony ground, angry and frustrated, sucking her finger and cursing this backward, half-animal world. But then an idea came to her. She tried to suppress it, but again the strange and uncharacteristic stubbornness crept over her. She moved to the dark fissure of the shaft and looked down, deliberating.

Wherever they so occur, they are insignificant, rather ornamental than constructive. Not so with the English; they kept the square tops to their towers, and contented themselves with the pointed superstructure. Let us see how Teutonic stubbornness arranged the matter.