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They had been used to mental trickery ever since they cut their first teeth, and were expert at combinazione; they had the illusion of serving their party, cheaply gained by a few compromises here and there!... To think and walk straightforwardly was the one thing impossible to these flabby shufflers, who backed, or advanced in spirals, who dragged their banner in the mud, by way of assuring its triumph, and who, to reach the Capitol, would have crawled up the steps on their stomachs.

The Minister therefore wrote to the inventor, and named an hour at which he would receive him in his private office. The hour and the man arrived together. The Minister had had some slight doubts regarding his sanity, but the letter had been so straightforwardly written, and the appearance of the man himself was so kindly and benevolent and intelligent that the doubts of the official vanished.

And, having thus spoken, he quitted the room as straightforwardly as he had entered it. "He's SO queer!" Mrs. Sheridan gasped. "Who on earth would thought of his doin' THAT?" "I told you," said her husband, grimly. "You didn't tell us he'd go over there and " "I told you she wouldn't have him. I told you she wouldn't have JIM, didn't I?" Sibyl was altogether taken aback. "Do you supose it's true?

He did not hesitate for a moment to confess to her the truth. "No, I am a German officer, and have been sent here by my superiors to study the Anglo-Indian army." Edith's surprise was evidently not great. "I had an inkling of it. And now please answer my question quite as straightforwardly. Do you believe that the British army will be victorious?"

I have straightforwardly opened my heart to you, you will answer my frankness with your confidence, my good efforts with your co-operation. God will do the rest." The honnete, hypocritically temperate, commonplace-virtuous language of the bourgeoisie reveals its deep meaning in the mouth of the self-appointed ruler of the "Society of December 10," and of the picnic-hero of St. Maur and Satory.

It was made shortly after Andrew had joined the army, and the reasons were given straightforwardly why he left his son Andrew Henry the sum of only one hundred dollars.

He related all that had passed straightforwardly and without excusing himself. "To-day I have been shown the charge against me," he concluded. "It is a case of wilful disobedience before all the other men. I believe it is an offence that is rather severely punished, and I know, too, that I am not without blame.

The agent gave me the only other chair in the room it was clear that in their various feats of commercial dexterity the firm depended very little upon furniture and balanced himself on the edge of his knee-hole table. He was a little, round man, and his feet dangled three inches from the floor. He looked honest enough, and spoke straightforwardly. "You have come about the yacht, sir.

It is quite true that she did not behave straightforwardly, and I am very sorry to have to say it. I shall not be going home again: I have quite made up my mind about that. I am afraid I must not let you come here to call upon me. I have a particular reason for it. To tell you the truth, my friend Mrs. Mumford is very particular, and rather fussy, and has a rather trying temper.

Old Aaron Rockharrt nodded in silence. Fabian looked at him; saw that the old man looked grave, depressed, yet stern and strong as adamant. He felt very sorry for his father. His own present happiness rendered good-natured Mr. Fabian very compassionate toward the lonely old widower. He had something, inspired by this compassion, to suggest to the old man, yet he feared to do so straightforwardly.