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Updated: August 13, 2024

The herder shouted, "Hold on, Mose; let 'em go." Mose did as he was ordered, but looked around nervously, expecting a charge of cattlemen. Delmar laughed. "Don't worry; they won't make any trouble." A couple of days later a squad of cowboys came riding furiously over the hill. "See here!" they called to Mose, "you turn that stinkin' river of sheep back over the line."

They think we're nothin' in comparison with mill-owners an' that sort, but I tell you, Henry, whatever we are an' whatever we were, we're better than the people that have taken our place. We didn't tear up the earth an' cover it with slag-heaps or turn good rivers into stinkin' sewers. We didn't pollute the rivers with filth an' poison the fish!"

"The divil an' the black luck bes in their own stinkin' hearts!" exclaimed Nolan, violently. "Aye, skipper; but they says it bes her ye brought ashore put the curse on to us an' now they bes comin' this way, skipper, to tell ye to run her out o' yer house." "What d'ye say?" cried the skipper, springing from his chair. "Run her out, ye say?"

I wa'n't long there 'fore a big cock com a floppin' up, and lit on the karkidge. I grabbed him by the leg. The cussed thing wur nearly as stinkin' as the other; but it wur die dog, buzzard, or buffler; so I skinned the buzzard." "And ate it?" inquired one. "No-o" slowly drawled the trapper, "it ate me." A general laugh followed this remark.

But by the great horned toad, I ain't a-goin' to let no lousy, empty headed, stinkin', sheepherdin' Swede wipe his feet on me. No, siree, not by no means!" Wade made no reply to this, and with a further admonitory shake of his grizzled head, the old man resumed his cooking. "You're sure that Chink'll be over in the mornin'?" he asked anxiously, after a little; and Wade nodded abstractedly.

'till, in good truth, the glass circling the while with most portentous speed, I began to feel bees in my head, and till in truth no one, I believe, of the party, was entirely collected in his thoughts, except Tom Draw, whom it is as impossible for liquor to affect, as it would be for brandy to make a hogshead drunk, and who stalked off to bed with an air of solemn gravity that would have well become a Spanish grandee of the olden time, telling us, as he left the room, that we were all as drunk as thunder, and that we should be stinkin in our beds till noon to-morrow.

Supposin' I was to report this outrage to my Gover'ment, what d'ye suppose would happen? Why, our men-o'-war would just up and sink every stinkin' Britisher that they comed across!" "Ah, indeed!" I retorted sarcastically. "Very well; now we'll have a look at those papers; after which you may take whatever steps you deem fit." "And supposin' I refuse?" began the skipper.

Take a slant at this: 'Consumption Cured in Three Months. 'Cancer Cured or your Money Back. Catarrh dopes, headache cures, germ-killers, baby-soothers, nerve-builders, the whole stinkin' lot. Don't I know 'em! Either sugar pills that couldn't cure a belly-ache, or hell's-brew of morphine and booze. Certina ain't the worst of 'em, any more than it's the best.

"Y' see, it ain't no good." Buck nodded at the doorway. "You mean ?" "The prospect," Beasley broke in and laughed. "Say, we sure been suckers stayin' around so long. Ther' ain't no gold within a hundred miles of us. We're just lyin' rottin' around like stinkin' sheep." Curly nodded. "Sure. That's why we held a meeting. We're goin' to up stakes an' git." "Where to?"

I sayed afore, an' I say so still, thet I'd ruther she war dead that in the arms o' thet ere stinkin' Mormon. Poor Marian! she's hed but a short life, o' 't, an' not a very merry one eyether." "What! Marian? Is it of her you are speaking?" "Why, sartin, capt'n. Who else shed it be?" "Marian dead?" "Yes poor girl, she never lived to see that Salt Lake city whar the cussed varmint war takin' her.

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