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I thought that was a stiffish price for a night considering it was two o'clock in the morning, but I paid him the sum and left the poor unfortunate girl there while we returned to our ships. I was very sorry for her, as she seemed nearly broken-hearted, but I could do no more for her under the circumstances, and I hope she got safe back to England after all.

There was a stiffish breeze blowing, as one of the man-of-war's-men expressed it and "a nasty sea on" he did not say on what. There must have been something nasty, also, on Tomeo's stomach, from the violent way in which he sought to get rid of it at times without success. "Oh!

"Tom, my boy," said he, after the doctor was done with him, "I am nicely coopered now nearly as good as new a little stiffish or so lucky to have such a comfortable coating of muscle, otherwise the carotid would have been in danger. So come here, and take your turn, and I will hold the candle."

When he woke he found he had slept two hours, not one, which was perhaps as well, and by eight he began to reascend the pass. He reached the statues about noon, for he allowed himself not a moment's rest. This time there was a stiffish wind, and they were chanting lustily.

Encountering the footman in the passage, "John," said he, "take supper into your master's room, and make us some punch, will you, stiffish!" "Mr. Caxton, how on earth did you ever come to marry?" asked Mr. Squills, abruptly, with his feet on the hob, while stirring up his punch. That was a home question, which many men might reasonably resent; but my father scarcely knew what resentment was.

We're likely to be crossing some stiffish timber to-day; and, upon my word, I'm rather suspicious of that brute you're riding." "My dear squire, I have tested the horse to the uttermost," answered Lionel. "I can positively assure you there is not the slightest ground for apprehension. The animal is a present from my brother, and Douglas would be annoyed if I rode any other horse."

Great-grandmother, by the same artist; brown satin, lace very fine, hands superlative; grand old lady, stiffish, but imposing. Her mother, artist unknown; flat, angular, hanging sleeves; parrot on fist. A pair of Stuarts, viz., 1.

She was dressed in a way and moved across the room in a way that was more reminiscent of Botticelli's Spring than ever only with a kind of superadded stiffish polonaise of lace and he did not want to be reminded of Botticelli's Spring or wonder why she had taken to stiff lace polonaises. He did not enquire whether he had met Lady Sunderbund to better advantage at Mrs.

Here you are. I put the hack's lights out just to escape unpleasant remark. We had better be moving, for it's a stiffish drive of six or seven miles. If you'll get in, I'll keep the seat with the driver and tell him the way to go." Mrs. Knapp entered the carriage, and called to me to follow her. I remembered Mother Borton's warnings and my doubts of Dicky Nahl.

Various lurid and luminous clouds of grey and Indian-red hues told of approaching storm, and the men of Deal knew that the sea, which just then pictured every cloud in its glassy depths as clearly as if there had been another cloud-land below its surface, would, ere long, be ruffled with a stiffish breeze; perhaps be tossed by a heavy gale.