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That gruff-spirited fisherman did not want oily seas, or serene blue skies, or reflected clouds and sunshine no, what he wanted was fish, and before the Evening Star could drag her ponderous "gear" along the bottom of the sea, so as to capture fish, it was necessary that a stiffish breeze should not only ruffle but rouse the billows of the North Sea all the better if it should fringe their crests with foam.

Lightning too was playing among the rolling black masses of smoke, and the roaring explosions every now and then seemed to shake the very heavens. Casting off the tow-rope, they turned the bow of their canoe to the island. As a stiffish breeze was blowing, they set the sails, close-reefed, and steered for the southern shore at that part which lay under the shadow of Rakata.

"Very well, then, I'm not particular; a tumbler of braundy and water, stiffish, cold without, the newspaper and a cigar. You'll excuse smoking, sir?" Philip looked up from his hoard, and Captain de Burgh Smith stood before him. "Ah!" said the latter, "well met!"

"And wind!" says I as the stout ship reeled and plunged to the howling gust. "No, Mart'n," roared Godby above the piping tumult, "not real wind, pal a stiffish breeze jolly capful."

We were, it must be understood, to the eastward of them, and a somewhat stiffish breeze had just got up, blowing from off the shore, which, although the water remained pretty calm, impeded our progress, for our raft, though strongly put together, and able to contend with a heavy sea, was deep in the water, and could not be impelled by rowing at much speed.

To those unaccustomed to the sea, its rolling is of a nature to cause some alarm, and we know that this passenger-in-spite-of-himself had not even till then risked his safety on the peaceable waters of the Bay of San Francisco; so that we can forgive his being ill on board a ship in a stiffish breeze, and his feeling terrified at the playfulness of the waves.

Mix the two together and knead them well with water into a stiffish paste. Then wrap this pudding in a cloth, and put another cloth about it, which has been smeared with common or coal-tar. Dig a hole in some quiet corner of your garden, pop your dumpling into it, and cover it well up with earth, treading it down firmly with your feet.

We humped our saddles and swags ourselves; a stiffish load too, but the night was cool, and we did our best. It was no use growling. It had to be done, and the sooner the better. It seemed a long time following father step by step before we came to the place where I thought the cattle were going to be driven over the precipice. Here we pulled up for a bit and had a smoke.

Looking out from the Vimy Ridge six weeks ago, and driving thence through Arras across the Drocourt-Quéant line to Douai and Valenciennes, I was in the very heart of that triumphant stand of the Third and First Armies round Arras which really determined the fate of the German attack. The Vimy Ridge from the west is a stiffish climb.

Other species in cultivation are A. serrata, A. lanceolata, and A. integrifolia, but for general planting, and unless under the most favoured conditions, they are not to be recommended. The Azaras are by no means particular about the quality of soil in which they are planted, and succeed well even in stiffish loam, bordering on clay. BACCHARIS HALIMIFOLIA. Groundsel Tree or Sea Purslane.