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But the queen drew from her bosom a whip with a steel-pointed lash, and as the dogs came springing towards them she laid about her right and left, till the skin flew and the blood ran, and the dogs leaped away howling and yelping. At the edge of the water was a great stone mill, and the queen pointed towards it and bade the prince turn it.

All that was required was to place the body of the bolt in the V-shaped supports, and to gently cause it to revolve, pressing it longitudinally against the steel-pointed marker, which scratched a neat small circle in the true centre or axis of the bolt. This small circle had its centre easily marked by the indent of a punch, and the work was thus ready for the lathe.

"And let me tell you," he added, "for your personal benefit, while examining those crescents yesterday, I put a private mark on the back of the settings with a steel-pointed instrument; it was like this" making a cipher on a card and passing it to him. "If you should ever be fortunate enough to come across them again, you could identify them by it." "Thank you," Mr.

Square-topped helmets that had been hacked by the scimitars of Saracen kings, spiked chamfronts that had been worn by the fiery barbs of haughty English crusaders, fluted armour from Milan, hung against the blackened wainscoting in the shadowy hall; Scottish hackbuts, primitive arquebuses that had done service on Bosworth field, Homeric bucklers and brazen greaves, javelins, crossbows, steel-pointed lances, and two-handed swords, were in symmetrical design upon the dark and polished panels; while here and there hung the antlers of a giant red-deer, or the skin of a fox, in testimony to the triumphs of long-departed sportsmen of the house of Jocelyn.

The summit was flat, except for some rounded domes of mountains, and there the deadly cholla cactus grew not in profusion, but enough to prove the dread of the Mexicans for this species of desert plant. It was a small bush, with cones like a pine cone in shape, growing in clusters, and over stems and cones were fine steel-pointed needles with invisible hooks at the ends.

The men of Lucerne, in particular, fought with an almost blind rage, seeking to force a path through that steel-pointed forest of spears, and falling rapidly before the triumphant foe. Numbers of the mountaineers lay dead or wounded. The line of spears seemed impenetrable. The Swiss began to waver.

"Back," he yelled irrelevantly, in answer, cutting Diablo across the face with the fork. It was pandemonium. "Get through the window!" the girl screamed in his ear. "Quick! Now!" and she pushed him toward it. "You first back, you devils!" and he pressed away from her, closer to the horses, thrusting and striking with the steel-pointed fork.

Gee, I hope these things'll get dry before morning there ain't anything in the world any colder than a pair of wet stockings in the morning! Let's turn in it'll be warmer, I believe." The wind, steel-pointed, bored at the window casings all that night. Degree after degree of frost would have registered in that room had means of registration been present.

As for the little people themselves, they seemed perfectly harmless, and from the first treated me with the greatest friendliness, and would often pay me a visit at my hut, sometimes bringing me rice and "papayas" or a large hornbill, which had been shot with their steel-pointed arrows. They were quite naked except for a very small strip of cloth.

Next, ere one was aware, an arrow would whistle with a "Hisst!" past one's breast-bone and stand quivering, head-covered in the clay. Vicious things they were, too, steel-pointed and shafted with iron for half their length. But all waitings come to an end, even that of him who waits on a fair woman's arraying of herself.