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Updated: August 6, 2024

I'se no refuse it, though it's beyond my rules; for if they steek me up here, my friends are like eneugh to forget me out o'sight out o'mind, is a true proverb; and it wadna be creditable for me, that am the king's bedesman, and entitled to beg by word of mouth, to be fishing for bawbees out at the jail window wi' the fit o' a stocking, and a string."

Giles, Edinburgh. It was given over to his tender mercies in 1829, a picturesque old building, and it left his hands in 1834 a bit of solid well-jointed mason-work with all Andrew Fairservice's "whigmaleeries, curliewurlies, and open steek hems" most thoroughly removed! Rob Roy, vol. viii. pp. 29-30.

"But you forget that I got as much more last month, out of the usual course. Come, Aby, don't you be unreasonable." "Bother I tell you, governor, if he don't " And then Miss O'Dwyer returned to her sanctum, and the rest of the conversation was necessarily postponed. "He's managed to get you a lovely steak, Mr. Mollett," said Fanny, pronouncing the word as though it were written "steek."

"Aye the mair the merrier, but the fewer they fess the better," says Mistress Winton. "Wha's been meddlin' wi' you, Sandy?" But fient a wird cud Sandy get oot. He was stanin' pechin' like a podlie oot o' the watter, an' starin' roond him like a huntit dog. "Fiddlers' dogs and fleshers' flees come to feasts unbidden," said Mysie; but Sandy gae her a glower that garred her steek her moo gey quick.

Heukbane and Mrs. Shortcake "Weel, weel, leddies," said the postmistress, "we'se sit down and crack about it. Baby, bring ben the tea-water Muckle obliged to ye for your cookies, Mrs. Shortcake and we'll steek the shop, and cry ben Baby, and take a hand at the cartes till the gudeman comes hame and then we'll try your braw veal sweetbread that ye were so kind as send me, Mrs. Heukbane."

Bide till we're oot o' 't: I hae near dune. Syne we'll steek the door, an' lat the fire work. It'll hae eneuch adu afore it mak the place warm; the cauld intil this room's no a coamon ane. There's something by ord'nar intil 't." Cosmo could no longer endure having the great, old, hearse-like bed between him and Aggie.

This young leddy is for your betters, sirrah, and being but the son of a village dominie, and working for your bread among Leein' Johnny's hundred black men in Parliament Close, ye may an it please ye, and if ye please, gie this door a wide gae-by. For if ye come a second time, Samuel Whan, the porter, will have his orders to steek the yett in your face!"

My name is Charles Braun. I came over in the last transport." "You know Steek?" "Who?" "Steek! Monsieur Steekee Smeete?" "Sticky Smith?" "Mais oui?" "I’ve met him," he replied curtly. "And Monsieur Keed Glenn?" "I’ve met Kid Glenn, too. Why?" "They are friends of mine very intimate friends.

Bring Steek to the bell-tower half an hour after you hear the carillon end. You will hear it end; you will hear the quarter hour strike presently. Half an hour later, after the third quarter hour strikes, you shall arrive. Bring pistols. Do you promise?" "Sure! What’s the row, Maryette?" "I don’t know yet. I think we shall find a spy in the tower." "Where?" "In the belfry, parbleu!

The good woman was only heard to call to some of her assistants "Steek the door! steek the door! kill or be killed, let naebody pass out till they hae paid the lawin."

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