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I knewed the Horned Lizard 'ud be after some trick." "What?" inquire several voices. "Look whar that lot's stannin' out yonder. Can't ye guess what they're at, Frank Hamersley?" "No. I only see that they have bows in their hands." "An' arrers, too. Don't you obsarve them wroppin' somethin' round the heads o' the arrers looks like bits o' rags? Aye, rags it air, sopped in spittles and powder.

It was me dressed Miss Maria de day she married wid yo' pa, en it was me dressed 'er for de coffin. You en me been stannin' togedder ever sence. How I gwine stan' by my alonese 'f now? I ole now, Mist' Peter." "Emma," said Peter, after a pause, "tell me exactly what you want me to do for you and if I can I'll do it." "I wants to go wid you.

'You're allus the same a mean-spirited feller, stannin in your children's way! 'Ow do you know who old John's goin to leave his money to? 'Ow do you know as he wouldn't leave it to them poor innercents' she waved her hand tragically towards the children playing in the road 'if we was just a bit nice and friendly with him now 'ee's gettin old?

"Then," said Saunders, slapping the table solemnly, "theer's nobbut one more thing to say an' sorry I am to say it. Them coins, Isaac" he pointed a slow finger at Bessie, whose white, fierce face moved involuntarily "them 'arf-crowns wor paid across the bar lasst night, or the night afore, at Dawson's, by yor wife, as is now stannin' there, an' she'll deny it if she can!"

"You're allus the same a mean-spirited feller, stannin' in your children's way! 'Ow do you know who old John's going to leave his money to? 'Ow do you know as he wouldn't leave it to them poor innercents" she waved her hand tragically towards the children playing in the road "if we was just a bit nice and friendly with him now 'ee's gettin' old?

It seemed very odd to me for a long while, the preachin' without book, an' the stannin' up to one long prayer, istid o' changin' your postur. But la! there's nothin' as you mayn't get used to i' time; you can al'ys sit down, you know, before the prayer's done.

Poyser, I envy you your dairy; and I envy you your chickens; and what a beautiful thing a farm-house is, to be sure! An' I say, 'Yes; a farm-house is a fine thing for them as look on, an' don't know the liftin', an' the stannin', an' the worritin' o' th' inside as belongs to't." "Why, Mrs.

"Queerest thing about t' lass were this," Grannie continued, "shoo were nakt, as nakt as ony hen-egg, an' that at five o'clock on a frosty April morn. Eh! but it made me dither to see her stannin' theer wi' niver a shift to her back. Well, I crept close to t' gert stone an' kept my een on her.

No longer preserving his statue-like pose, his body began to sway from side to side; while at intervals, he stamped the ground with his heavy heel. From the increasing anger that betrayed itself in his looks, I expected an explosion. It came at length. "Durn them buzzarts!" cried he, with a hurried gesture, "thar agwine to keep us stannin' hyur till sundown.

They can see tiny sparks of fire glowing at the lips of ignited cigars. From this they can tell that there are sentries there a line of them across the ravine, guarding it from side to side. "It ain't no use tryin', Frank," whispers Wilder; "ne'er a chance o' our settin' through. They're stannin' thick all over the ground. I kin see by thar seegars. Don't ye hear them palaverin?