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"Oh, prithee," broke in Janice, without a thought of anything but her father, "was he well, and where is he?" "He was smarting a bit when he wrote," Bagby remarked with evident enjoyment, "but he's got safe to his friends on Staten Island, so we are n't going to let you stay where you can be sneaking news to the British through him.

As we went along the road, I thought to myself, "Any one treated as I have been ought to look sneaking"; and I tried to think of everything I could to make me look that way. When we arrived at our destination, the sister was not in the room, so I hunted the smallest chair I could find, and sat down. As soon as she came in, she saw that I was in trouble and inquired what was the matter.

But I LOVED my dog. I always had a sneaking sympathy for Alexander Elliott about HIS dog. There isn't any devil in a good dog. That's why they're more lovable than cats, I reckon. But I'm darned if they're as interesting. Here I am, talking too much. Why don't you check me? When I do get a chance to talk to anyone I run on turrible.

In vain they suggested fishing, hunting Injuns, or gathering wild flowers; they had set out to build a fort on Catnip Creek, and build it they must. They entertained hopes of sneaking off alone when they should go home for lunch, but Mr. Cadge had provided for this contingency.

There wasn't a whisper of sound in the world just the pale water floating past and the sails towering up like a pair of twittering ghosts. And everything that crazy color "Well, in a minute I saw it, just abreast of the mainmast, crouched down in the shadow of the weather rail, sneaking off forward very slowly. This time I took a good long sight before I let go.

Then he came to the ground, over which he rushed with a prolonged howl, and disappeared among the rocks on the hill side. It is said that that poor dog was never again seen, but Benjy asserts most positively that, a week afterwards, he saw it sneaking into the village with its tail very much between its legs, and an expression of the deepest humility on its countenance.

"I should say so!" Dave exclaimed, fervently. "Wasn't there any one to help you?" asked Pocus Pete. "Not a soul. I did see Len Molick riding off sneaking away. I called to him, but he didn't answer." "How did they break out?" Pete asked next. "That's what's puzzling me," replied the younger cowboy. "Say! Look there!" suddenly called Pete, pointing. "That's how they got out.

You guessed and kept still about it. You've got the makings of a politician, and you are learning fast. Now what do you suppose I'm sneaking up on Varden Waymouth in this way for?" "You said I'd see for myself when the time came. I'm in no hurry, grandfather." The Duke patted Harlan's shoulder. "You're one of my kind, that's sure, boy. I haven't got to put any patent time-lock onto your tongue.

The next instant he had started to his feet and the bit of harness had rattled from his hands to the floor. "Who are you?" he asked, with a touch of anger, quite natural under the circumstances. "Can't you come in by the door, and not creep sneaking up to take a man at disadvantage?" As he spoke, he dashed away the tears with which his cheeks were still wet.

It reminds us of the story of a Jew who had a sneaking inclination for a certain meat prohibited by his creed. One day the temptation to partake was too strong; he slipped into a place of refreshment and ordered some sausages.